Motor Not Running During Detection- Need Help

I starting building my first electric skateboard this summer and I need some help figuring out how to solve my problem. When I ran the detection on my vesc the motor does not spin at all and the settings I get back when the detection finishes seems off.

here are the settings its giving back to me:

Vesc ID: 55

Motor Current: 4.05 A

Motor R: 3665.6 m ohms

Motor L: 3261.5 µH

Motor Lq-Ld: 0.00 µH

Motor flux linkage: 15.24 mWb

Temp Comp: false

Sensors: Sensorless

my current set up is:

Flipsky Sensored Brushless DC Motor 6368 170KV 2700W


Two 5s 3300 mah batteries connected in series

Im honestly stuck on what to do here, I know that the current is way to low and the Resistance and Inductance are too high but I can’t figure out what is causing it. Also I have the sensor wires plugged in so I’m not sure why its saying it sensor less. I’ve run multiple detections and every time the current come out to somewhere between 3.5-4 amps, the resistance usually ranges from 3500 mohms to 4500 mohms, and the inductance ranges from 1500 µH to 3200 µH. The only change that I made within the tests is that I resoldered one of the bullet connectors on the esc because I had originally soldered it to the end of the connector and didn’t fully insert it in but that didn’t seem to change much.