Motorcycle helmets

I already know that a number of you are telling me to use the search but… I am looking for negatives to motorcycle helmets. I want a Bluetooth helmet and only motorcycle helmets have that option. Has anyone had issues with neck injuries after falling due to the high weight of motorcycle helmets?

I have a Ruroc Viper

Im ordering one of these in 20 mins when the Black Friday deals start


Ruroc shockwave collar gives you BT

Also I saw this at REI last week. They are for snow helmets. Not sure how you can integrate into other helmets



They are a fair bit heavier than skate helmets, but I don’t think it would contribute much to any neck injuries if you had to bail. Might cause fatigue in your neck of long rides though depending on how heavy it is.

There are a buttload of motorcycle helmets that are as light as a TSG pass or near enough.


I’ve been eyeing the one that Ernesto wears. I kinda like them. About $100USD looks like it’s pretty popular for motorcyclist in India. Very slightly heavier than the TSG


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do motorcycle riders get neck injury when they crash?

Is that a question for me? I am debating with my family that a motorcycle helmet would be just fine for me but they seem to think that sector 9 or tsg would be a better option despite having no Bluetooth options easily.

I’m looking at this helmet at the moment.

For anyone who knows :slight_smile:

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You can also make your own with some good drivers a Bluetooth module and some small lipo pouches


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What are the Black Friday prices

What about some cheap Bluetooth earbuds inside your helmet

I’ve got AirPods but they don’t sit nicely in my ear with my current full face atv helmet.

Yeah, I’d get some of the small ones without a stick lol

My head is too fat. AirPods pulls off when I put on my Helmet.

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Same. I am getting that there aren’t any major issues with a motorcycle helmet for esk8

Been trying to buy the shockwave $89 bucks damn come on website!!