My board suddenly stop braking down a hill

I completely forgot! Then the problem might be your firmware. Try updating that to the newest version. Just search for firmware there is a thread where people put the newest bestesteset firmwares :smiley: try that hope it works for you :confused:

Could you link/take a pic of your remote?

Also did you configure min/max PPM on the PPM page of BLDC tool? if you didnā€™t and your PPM signal gets lower than the minimum on the tab, the VESC can cut out.

@Jinra I have this remote :

When i push my remote al the way down on the bench, the gui shows 1%, mid position is around 50 % and max 100 %

You want to make sure the actual PPM value (not %) is not lower than minimum PPM on BLDC. However, I would toss that remote immediately. Itā€™s the cause of many an injury on the forum including myself. That is the winning v1 remote which is notoriously unreliable.


@Jinra I would blame the remote 100% for the failure under normal circumstances, hence why i have GT2B remote in the mail. But the ā€œreset to default bugā€ got me thinking that something else is wrong ?

Just to throw a spanner in the works here, I have the benchwheel remote, which Iā€™ve been having no problems with for about 8 months on my previous setup, everything the same except running 6s 5000mah 25c Lipos. Now Iā€™m running 8s4p 80A Li-ions and Iā€™ve had this issue maybe twice now.

If Iā€™m going along, and then almost ā€˜slamā€™ on the brakes, it seems like the VESC powers down and I have zero control, and then I gain control again in a couple of seconds. Then if Iā€™m gentile with the brakes, ie. apply gradually, itā€™s fine.

To add to this, sometimes (not always) when Iā€™m accelerating hard, (maybe up a tiny bt of an incline), it will cut out too. Thrown me off my board a couple of times.

I think this may be a similar issue. My motor is rated at 60A but my battery can deliver 80A, does this have anything to do with it? Max motor in BLDC is set to 60A.

@darkkevind Cut off for a second going up a hill with almost full throttle, is something i also has tried. My amp motor max is set to 50amp in BLDC, but looking at the recording in the metr app afterwards, is only showing amp peak at 33ampsā€¦ hmmmm

Interestingā€¦ :thinking:

Sounds like itā€™s rebooting, might be overcurrent from braking going over the absolute maximum

Absolute max being the default 130A you mean? or going over the motor min I gave it?

Do you have a UART module and app for it? You could try getting it to happen to see what fault code you encounter. Iā€™m just guessing it might spike over the 130A absolute maximum, but Iā€™m not sure.

I donā€™t :frowning:

How do I sort that out?

Itā€™s tough because since it sounds like your VESC is rebooting the error code with flush and clear when that happens, youā€™ll only have a moment to see what error code itā€™s giving you.

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So things that i will try now to resolve my problems is.

  1. Change the Winning remote to GT2B remote, and do the sparkle ā€œhackā€ case mod.
  2. Flash my VESC with the custom firmware from @Ackmaniac to se if this changes anything. Also to get a more natural throttle curve, without the ā€œturbo boostā€ i have now.

You can also get the benchwheel or nano v2 remotes. Those have proven to be very reliable.

I could not find the benchweel including the RX (I`m from EU) and people seems to like the GT2B, soā€¦

Just giving you additional options that donā€™t need to be modded :slight_smile: DIYES sells the nano v2 and ships to EU i believe.

You canā€™t actually get the benchwheel receiver now :frowning:

Weird, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll have it up again eventually. Good thing I stocked upā€¦

If any of you guys is interrested I use this APS remote and it is absolutely bulletproofā€¦ I had a bunch of other RC remotes and this one is the best! and it is in stock!