My diy board was destroyed today!

So the board still had some power output but you could not control it anymore?

Yes, polices, fire truck, and everyone on street, it was like a partyā€¦ I felt so sorry about it though.


Tempted to just put loop keys on a long paracord pull strap on my boards just in case.


I think it was around 0.4 second.

people on the train must have been pissssssedā€¦

is the city going to find you culpable for damages?

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Yes, the motor keeps on going with or without me on the board

Is this the remote?

Yes thatā€™s the remote controller.

Yes, I cried from the inside for a short while. But Iā€™m glad no one was hurt, and the train bus was not damaged.

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Sounds to me that the issue is coming clearly from the remote. I donā€™t know how to adjust the failsafe on that remote but when it still gave throttle and you set the timeout to 0.4 seconds then the receiver gave a signal to the vesc which the VESC understood as a throttle command.

Possible reasons are a wrong adjusted failsafe signal, or the receiver needs too long to switch to the failsafe signal, processor on the remote or receiver freezed, potentiometer on the remote came loose and gave a wrong signal

With a PPM remote the timeout on the VESC only getā€™s triggered when the receiver is disconnected. Because when the connection is lost then the receiver sends a failsafe signal so the VESC doesnā€™t know that there is a connection loss. A solution to still let the VESC detect a connection loss is available in my new firmware mod bat thatā€™s another story.


Oh oh, thatā€™s right. I dont think I did the fail safe configuration on that remote. I dont know if there is way to do it. I did for the other one which takes 2 AA batteries.

But Iā€™m I did test the fail safe many times before taking it on the road.

Damn sorry to hear this and see the carnage. Glad you are OK.

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Yes, they were pissed including the train driver. I think everything was fine except my board, there was no damage to the train.

I remember this board! Yuen right?

Yeah, we met at a group ride. You tested ride that exact board.

Aww, that sucks. Sorry for your loss. I died inside the other day when I left my board at the playground parking lot. My heart dropped when I drove back and saw it sitting there. That drive back was stressful enough. I canā€™t imagine how you feel.


Wondering if you cause any couplesā€™ fight tonight

ā€œSome a$$hole ran his skateboard under the bus, stopped it and started a fireā€

ā€œA skateboard? Stop a bus? And bursted into flames? Bull$hit! Who were you really with!?ā€ Huh? Huh? Huhhhhh?


Iā€™m sorry to hear :frowning: Iā€™m glad youā€™re okay though, thatā€™s pretty crazy.

Thereā€™s a lot that couldā€™ve gone wrong, and after itā€™s destroyed and burned like that, itā€™s probably impossible to tell what happened. Maybe a vibration knocked off the PPM cable, or maybe the VESC threw a fault (thereā€™s a couple delay where it will not take input after a fault. You can change the delay time though), or maybe some other cable came loose.

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Hmmm maybe we should do that test and pull the PPM cable as we throttle and see what happens?

PPM receiver cable comes loose = VESC starts timeout after 0.4s VESC has a fault = no power at all

So the VESC still got a signal from the receiver which told it to give some power. So if everything quietbun is telling is correct the problem came clearly from the remote or receiver. So if the failsafe was setup the correct way then something else fucked up. But the problem is clearly coming from that component.