Need 90mm Flywheel Clones in EU

Can someone suggest some good 90mm flywheel clones (preferably black) in EU or with non-expensive shipping to EU?


I have some premium flywheel clones on my store. They are $10 off and I’m sure we can work something out if the shipping is too high.

Could also take a look at

@atenner - have you got any left ? :wink:

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I do :+1:t2:. I think the earth should introduce free global shipping worldwide :pray:t2: . . . Except for North Korea :thinking:


I have 90mm in red now. black need to wait a few days. 23us +11us ship to EU by USPS or post air mail. I am in china.

Got any left?

yes, I have many red 90mm wheels left.