New batch of Vesc for sale

Long time before i Soldiered vescs myself on pcb and used those worked just fine. Soo i made few of them to sell. New batch of vecs i have currently 4 of them can make more if someone requires

It will be 90$ for one

And 176$ for two with canbus connector.

Vescs with heatsync can also be made.

(Will be deleting old thread)

please give your location USA, EU, UK or AUS

India based

mm idk about this. those look exactly like the last batch i got from china… but with a markup…

Good luck with sale

Edited: in response to @wafflejock to not mislead anyone

I didn’t Write with heatsync part, forgot .

Earlier i had with heatsync, i also have old thread in which i discribe.

@wafflejock been talking with him about projects from months about which caps i Soldiered , what should i upgrade to run foc, sent numerous pictures too…

Thanks for bringing me to notice, removed old picture from Post✌️

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Yeah all good just chatting with Vishal on whatsapp, we’ve been talking on and off for a while now. This is all legit, the picture is confusing with the heatsink, however he does have a heatsink on hand and did actually make these VESCs as far as I can tell. I sent him by completely broken VESC in the hopes he could replace the DRV chip for use on a board for a project in an engineering class, he replaced that but there were still other issues with the VESC (it could be configured but would go full throttle, we diagnosed PPM etc.) With the new boards have seen initial pictures and video of it working along with cruise control (vs the full throttle not working vids he also sent when trying to repair the VESC I sent).

Only issue will probably be shipping costs from India, but depends on where you are. Also keep in mind these are “first run” on a small scale so there haven’t been a ton of testers before you, but he’s not a scammer.

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As mentioned in other thread of the sames vesc as I see.

I don’t suggest buying it. The whole PCB looks sketchy and components not even aligned correctly. Soldering also looks pretty bad somewhere is not even enough solder so I don’t think it will even handle large currents, I would not trust them.

Did you use it? Or do you have them in hand to verify they are bad or poor quality?

I used them for almost a week before selling it to someone without any issues.

I see, the current paths are just plain pcb tracks tinned from PCB factory…

I would recommend to use it first, if you are not happy with it you can sure write that its bad after using

I am just telling what I see as the electrical engineer.

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