Hi everybody, just to let you know that I just received the new batch of Bergmeister wheels. Unfortunately, the timing was not the best as we have not yet had the time to assemble all of them and I will be leaving Taiwan in a couple of hours. I am back on Feb 12th or 13th and then there will be another flash sale with immediate shipment. The flash sale will also include some other components. For compatibility with your trucks: I have seen that @marcmt88 already made some great pulleys with different teeth options. We have been testing out a new 60T pulley that is compatible with TB218 as well as Evolve GT. The files will be published for free (in case you want to do your own milling). Alternatively, you can purchase them from us by end of February. The material will be POM.
For those who would like orange colored rims: they will be available Feb 28th. Pricing will be released when the flash sale is happening.
best regards, Timo