Noob question thread! 😀 ask your questions here!

is fuse the same as a ‘loop key’?

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Hes being funny now. Like him


No. Loopkey is used as an easy cheap switch. A fuse protect your battery and esc from a too high current.

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oof. Back to more research i guess.

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That is the best thing you can do be honest but that wasn’t what I was saying my friend. Andy goes into a lot of detail and that answer was very succinct. And his nick name is loopkey for a reason.


Thanks so much guys. Final question (hopefuly…): Would a bestech 10s 80A BMS work with a Vesc? If the Vesc is rated for max 50A cont and the BMS discharging 80A cont won’t it fry the ESC? Once again guys, thanks for answering these dumb questions.

nu, not so much to say about a discharge bms :wink:

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Oh lol I gotcha.

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no dump questions! just some you can answer yourself by using the search function. 80A bms is usually good for dual drive if it is a usual street board. just limit your vesc/focbox to bat max value to 40A per unit and you good to go.

SHHHH now! Just because i’m scared doesn’t mean I don’t know how they work

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Andy answered the questions with exactly the right answers with no extra fluff in the post.:+1:


@dareno how can I fix my broken magnets?

Well let me see…
Are the magnets shattered or just loose?

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they already shattered. Is there a way to check if other magnets loose?

I’m glad you asked me this because this has just this second happened to me. Yes there is my friend. Take the bell off and spin it by hand.

you mean bell or belt?

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touche! Best leave it here before people start chiming in. Got him by one.

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but honestly i´m really interested. i mean i can try to lift the magnets up with a screw driver or something, but with it i also could damage the magnets, or the glue.

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Really? If you try to lift off a magnet that is still attached it will break. It will shatter. They are very brittle.
If its a bit loose then try a very liquid mix of 2 part high temp epoxy and re set the magnet. Don’t try to remove it. It will most likely break.

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The best way to solve any sort of electrical issue is to bridge the solder from one pin to another also drop a few little solder balls onto the winding of the motors it will make it go faster. And @dareno epoxy solution is spot on what to do with a loose magnet.