Nrf51/nrf52 bluetooth remote code

Hi all, I’m looking at making a nrf51/nrf52 remote that would work with the nrf51/nrf52 receiver modules that have the Benjamin Vedder github bootloader code on them.
Is there any opensource project out there?

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Seems like a nice project but I can’t find the code that would be uploaded to the nrf52 chip on the remote. I have a solution for the receiver on the VESC, I need to find (or make) the software for the nrf52 chip on the remote.

hmm. here’s the receiver side…

Yes, I know that code exists. I am talking about the remote nrf52 code.

Yes I know. knowing the receiver side you should be able to back into the remote side.

Sorry I couldn’t help to your satisfaction. maybe this helps?

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If I don’t manage to get the nrf52 working I think I’ll build a nrf24 remote based on the nunchuck code.

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