Hey, i’m planning to build my first eboard and looking for the parts. I’m interested if the 295KV motor will work fine and is there a big difference between that and a 195KV motor for example?
Basically, the kv ratio tells you how many turns the motor does per volt. So it depends on your input voltage (battery). A lower kv will give you mor torque whereas a higher kv will give you a higher max speed.
I just don’t have that many options for motors and i’m thinking to buy this one - http://www.e-fliterc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=EFLM4110A - it says that the motor needs 85a esc and 8-9s lipo battery can i use different parts instead?
What battery and esc do you have?
I can get 80a esc and a 6s lipo battery from my friend.
With a 6s battery a motor wit 240kv plus should be good. Your model seems a bit expensive to me. Maybe a cheaper one would do the job as well.
There is plenty of cheaper motors than this.
Have a look at the Turnigy SK3 range at HobbyKing. Very popular and half that price. Andy.
that motor looks way over priced. where are located?
E-flite is a popular motor brand for airplanes and maybe helicopters.