Pneumatic wheels 6" 8mm shaft 130$

Cant find the deals category I remember it existing here some way I think this should work for our pourposes Someone should test this I would do it if I had the money!

Anyways this should be better than the skikes for sure

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$66 * 4 = $264 + S&H = might as well get @psychotiller 6 shooters


66 is a pair

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ahhhh, didnt see that. still, not sure those hubs will work. they are manufactured to use the shaft, which supports the open hub. without it I think it would be too weak.

What the F? only one bearing per wheel? I wote for @psychotiller 6 shooters or @L3chef ´s soon to be hubs :stuck_out_tongue:


Try them for science! :grin:

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130$ is 1/4 of my paycheck which i can not risk on this