POLL - What type of Wheels/Tires/Tyers are you running on your Esk8?

Interested in what people are using for wheels / tires on there setups:

  • Urethane - Smooth
  • Urethane - Tread
  • Pneumatic - Slicks
  • Pneumatic - Tread
  • Both Urethane - Smooth and Pneumatic - Slicks
  • Both Urethane - Tread and Pneumatic - Treads
  • Combination Urethane and Pneumatic not listed and use both

0 voters

Thanks in advance and appreciate you taking time to answer poll. I am also interested if you live in a four season region and skate or would like to skate in ice and snow conditions? Please comment below.


I use polyurethane but I’m assuming that’s what you meant :wink:

Yes thanks for clarification not able to update poll or I would

What about rubber wheels? I don’t use them but moestooge does I thought. Aren’t gummies rubber too?

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I think gummies are urethane. Trampa’s own formula 77a if I’m not mistaken

should be a multiple choice poll, there’s a lot of people with multiple boards.

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Can you do multiple choice poll? Agree that would be best just do not know how to setup?

I think the new Skullboard wheels are actual rubber, if I recall correctly



Thanks will relaunch…Please provide options you think should be considered from your experience. Where do I find option to insert poll into message? As show in your screen shot? I just cut and past from instruction found on list search? Thanks,


Also see comment at bottom of poll. Interested if you skate 4 season conditions (snow and ice) or would like too… Would appreciate this additional information.

Thank you,
