Position on the board

Any experimented longboard rider would have any suggestions about how should i stay on the board at 40km/h ?

Always after 2 3 km at higher speed i get my back foot so tension that i need to take a break and stretch a little.

Any suggestions?

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Trick is to relax, bend your knees and don’t tense your feet. You’ll naturally carve a path if you just relax. Shift most of your weight to the front and have your front foot just behind the truck bolts closest to you. Don’t have your toes and heel at opposite sides of the board, have it more diagonal.

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What @darkkevind said! What I noticed going from normal to electric longboard is that I kept knees more straight which led to tension. Bend your knees.


Im trying to shift my weight to the front foot but the board is pushing me backwards and i end up resisting with my back foot. And yes i keep my foot diagonal so i can make turns.

I think i dont have my knees bent too much. I will try this more.

Trick is to lean with your body to turn, not to pivot your foot to pivot the board. Your head should lead the way…

With the back foot, you should sort of be on tip-toes.

This guy’s got it… although that’s for hard downhill riding, but look at his feet…

i guess i will have to practice this… i dont think i trust to stay on my tip-toes. I do lean on when i turn harder but for little turns i still use my back foot too.

Well i will have to loosen a bit my trucks and i will add an angled riser too. hopefully this will help with turning a bit and dont give me much wobble at high speed

This is on the Boosted site for recommendations… although, the ‘reduced fatigue’ one, I’m not sure that’s 100% accurate, but you can try it…

the first picture is how i keep my foot only: front foot with the toes more to the right and back foot more diagonal so my feet are parallel

So basically like the second (longer range) front foot, with the back foot similar but - at the back?

So then you probably need to shift your weight forward more, seems your stance is - ok.

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Ok will try to keep my weight more on the front foot.

Thank you for assistance :smiley:

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@Bloop I have found that a closer stance does reduce fatigue. I will use the close stance for long straight lines and then move my back foot back when going into a turn or carving.

closer stance but with the knees still bent or you just stay straight?

I will test this out see what i feel more comfortable with

Always with knees slightly bent at the least…

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When you find a good bent knee resting stance you’ll be shocked how you ever able to ride before lol. I’ve been traveling 5-10 miles daily for the past few weeks and it’s been wonderful.

I always keep my knees a little bent.



Hey Bloop, I’m not that experienced in DH, but I recently went through this and found a technique that works well. Leaning back is an instinctive defensive posture and it must be fought back. With most wt on back leg that’s tense, it becomes vulnerable to wobble which can get out of hand very quickly. Keep trying wt on front. But, to do that your feet positioning is important. The front foot should find a balance bw more square footing or angled. Also where your foot is located is important. The front heel must have a solid contact near the left edge, but not much over the edge if at all. Basically, position front foot for solid left lean from heel, and position back foot for solid right lean without bearing much of the body weight. This can be achieved by taking the heel off the board which forces you to focus weight on your ball of the foot and toes. Also as you lift the right heel tuck in the knee toward the other knee which rotates the leg inward. But, when you put down the right heel as you straighten you want to rotate the leg back.

TL;DR: front heel for left lean, right toes for right lean, lift back heel to help keep wt on front. The concentrated wt from front heel/left lean and concentrated wt from back toe/right lean are pressing on the outer parts of the board increasing stability.


Hey @boramiNYC

I just want to thank you for the tips. I signed up to the forum just to do such.

Today’s ride was the best after checking out and implementing your awesome tips, in particular the knee movement. It felt great, although there is plenty of room to grow.

Always learning, never really comfortable.

Thanks again.