In October of 2016 a few people from Holland showed up and followed me around for 2 days filming stuff about me and my boards. They JUST NOW released it.
Some of the stuff you’ll see is hilariously dated and doesn’t line up with what’s now, but its still a good show about yours truly.
too bad its behind a paywall. First month is free, and they take paypal, so that’s how i was able to watch it. I’d like to find a downloader so i can keep a copy of it for myself.
its a legit internet TV show, i’m kind of surprised its not region locked. They were talking about doing that. I’m probably going to get sued or something if i post a rip of it, but i def want a copy for myself to watch and show my family and friends and shit at home.
but a live stream of me watching it and commentary… hmmmmm. Maybe. That’s Fair Use.