Problem With getting the IMU working on the FSESC 4.20

I have seen a lot of tutorials where other people connect a FSESC to the MPU9250 so I’m not sure what’s up with mine. I also have a ICM20948 and an MPU6000 so I can try those as well. Due to bad luck, I’ve fried my first two FSESC and am waiting for another

Bad luck or bad product? Flipsky is known for lack of quality assurance, it’s why your price is low.

That could be it. I have my 3rd ESC coming in today so if that doesn’t work then it’s probably the IMU. The other 2 ESCs that I couldn’t read IMU data from WERE able to spin up the motor and work in that department. It just doesn’t want to connect to the IMU.

Hello, I’m currently having the same issue with a FSESC 4.2, I’ve tested with a MPU6050 and a MPU9250 and nothing…

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I’ve upgraded my firmware to the latest (6.02) and it worked with my MPU6050 don’t forget to turn off phase filter in FOC menu or you will fry an other ESC x)

I’ve never heard about that. Why does that fry ESCs?

FSESC don’t support phase filter, I don’t have the exact explanation but it will damage the FSESC

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Turns out the problem was with the IMU. I measured the pull up resistors on the breakout board and they were only 15 ohms or so. I guess when I tested the IMU with an arduino, the arduino might’ve have had internal pullups so it worked. However, with the STM32 uC on the FSESC, it didn’t do the job. I got a replacement from HiLetgo on Amazon and it worked right away. Lesson learned. Don’t buy from AliExpress unless you really have to. No matter how much cheaper it is.

I sadly never got it working🥲 when I asked flipsky they said that the fsesc did not support the i2c Communication. I see that you have it working now and will also test my resistors

Let me know if you get it working. I would buy the MPU9250 off of Amazon and ensure you can access the schematic of it so you can test the resistors. Most notably, the pullups right next to the I2C lines. It should work with the FSESC. I would also try swapping SDA and SCL and see if that works. If that doesn’t work, then the ESC is probably bad. So far I’ve burned through 3 FSESCs from simple bench testing. I only buy from Amazon now so I can replace them for free.