I recently bought an HM-10 that I want to use with @Ackmaniac APP to display realtime info but I cannot get it to work. My status is:
Phone with ESC Monitor is connected to the HM-10 Module, but no info is shown. Set Baudtrate to 9600 and PPM+UART and crossed TX and RX from HM-10 to VESC.
I used following pins of the 7 pin JST: x-TX-RX-x-GND-x-5V
I use a chinese copy of the HM-10 but since I can connect my phone to it, it doesn’t seem to be the problem.
3.40? If so, BV made a change that breaks these apps. Options: downgrade if you have an older version of VESC Tool available, or wait until ackmaniac updates the app.
Just as clarification - I have the metr.at bluetooth module (not the pro one). And it is recommended to have this running at 115200 bauds… but good luck for all the other people getting theirs to work