Roll to start or the police will take it away (EU)

I changed your title slightly. It seemed click baity the way it was.


All the turning on and off is only going to kill it faster as well :man_shrugging:

really seems like a lose lose situation x.x

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Yeah but keep in mind it takes 5-10s till your escs run again and have connection to your remote. Means each time you stop it takes 5-10s till everything works again.

You could put an arduino between the receiver and the VESC, connected to it via UART, would be a pretty simple code

Basically the arduino will read the ERPM from the VESC and only allow throttle if is turning above a set rpm, brakes would always work for safety


Does it really take that long? Mini remote connects within 2 sec very time

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What @Pedrodemio said. Reliable and cost effective too. And turning on / off a switch repeatedly could be risky given the failure rate of current AS modules ?

BTW is it possible via VESC-TOOL to set an ERPM dead zone under which the board doesn’t react to remote input?


Put a tiny “alternator” on the drive motor and a transistor in the data line from the remote, if the motor RPM is to low the voltage will not be enough to pass the remote data and you won’t accelerate, this may also be an awful idea but it’s cheaper than an aduino and much simpler

On the kaly i have to pair the remote every time it powers on. The vescs need to have power allthe time or i wonder does the receiver only need ti have power all the time

Just use PID acceleration with brake control. Use Ackmaniac app, make some different modes and one of them PID… so when police asks, just switch to PID mode. It’s like hybrid between electric and push board. So u start with pushing, than press fully throttle and board will maintain same speed how hard u pushed. Brakes also works on this mode.


I will look at that now, i use that app all the time

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The best way to do this is to modify the VESC firmware to have a new mode for this in the “App” section.

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I like the idea but this would need some additional parts. The main one being a voltage reg to stop overvoltage at high rpm. It will also put more rolling resistance on the drive train and take up added space on the drive train.

My focbox need min 2sec as well to power up. Idk I just think for me it wouldn’t be comfortable like this driving in the city and traffic. It’s a lot of stop and go and the moment you push, thsn push the trigger expect the board to accelerate but it doesn’t because it’s not ready yet and than two seconds later when you already don’t expect anything it starts to shoot out under your feet. I think it takes a lot of practice to drive save like that. But not saying it’s not possible, just not convenient.

The remote and vesc would need to be on all tbe time

So, did you tried PID control?

just use the eswitch with the push to start function

I tryed it its not great ill look at it again today

That might not work with my kaly you have to bind the remote every time you turn the board on I have email the lad who makes that switch im waiting for a reply

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This would just be a simple firmware adjustment via custom app. Very easy to code actually, essentially you could look at the app_ppm.c and under current control you just need to something like

 if(mc_interface_get_rpm() > 1000)
  Send current to motors

  Send no current

Then make sure to do that only for current commands greater than 0 also.

@Deodand, any plans to implement thus on the Unity on a future release? Could be very handy for us folk in Ireland…

I had heard the reports of scooters being sized in Dublin, and assumed this would probably not be isolated to only scoots, so checked the law and it does appear that a push to start may exempt a skateboard, see below, though not sure it is completely black and white:

What is the law on e-bikes / pedelecs / battery powered scooters? Regardless of the type of bike, the rule is as follows: If it can be powered by mechanical or electrical power alone (i.e. it can go without you pedalling or scooting it) then it is considered to be a mechanically propelled vehicle (MPV). Under Road Traffic Law, if an MPV is used in a public place it is subject to all of the regulatory controls that apply to other vehicles. Therefore, it must be roadworthy, registered, taxed and insured. The driver of the vehicle must hold the appropriate driving licence and is obliged to wear a crash helmet.

What is the definition of ‘mechanically propelled vehicle’? The Road Traffic Act 1961 at Section 3(1) (a) and (b), defines a mechanically propelled vehicle as: “a vehicle intended or adapted for propulsion by mechanical means, including: (a) a bicycle or tricycle with an attachment for propelling it by mechanical power, whether or not the attachment is being used, (b) a vehicle the means of propulsion of which is electrical or partly electrical and partly mechanical, but not including a tramcar or other vehicle running on permanent rails.”