Samsung 30Q 10s3p battery build | Therealesk

Omg, your battery looks really clean🙌 Okay, I’m going to build my on like your one :wink::point_left:

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Thanks, the hardest part is trying to keep the balance wires separate, although it was impossible for me since I have two lots of wires so so had to cross no matter what I did

You should be good if you use two strips :slight_smile:

Why does it matter if wires cross?

Yeah, but I’m going to use only those balancer wires for the bms. So I don’t t think that it will be a problem to install them.

Because they can rub on each other and short.

How bad would it be to flood the battery compartment with hot glue to seal all the wires before wrapping the whole thing?

Flood the battery sound a bit crazy. Also hot glue is not the best solution as it deformes with heat. There is nothing wrong in fixing the balance wires with some silicon though. Just take care the the positive terminals are free from any silicon or glue. You don’t want to close the gas valves.


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Just got my spot welder :+1: