Selling your wares - free shopping cart

I got tired of keeping track of sales with a spreadsheet so spent some time setting up a shopping cart:

It’s just sitting there unused so if you have some things to sell, you’re more than welcome to list your items free of charge.

If you’re interested, you’d be setup as a vendor and given back-end access to manage and maintain your products on your own. It gives you full sales reporting, inventory management, etc. Basically everything you’d expect a shopping cart to handle.

Only thing is, the entire store is setup to direct payments to my paypal account. I would then just transfer the funds to you. I know this demands a lot of trust.

This system allows multiple stores to be setup, each with its own payment accounts but the authorization across multiple stores is a hassle, if it’s even possible.

I will also give admin access to the mods so that I’m not the only person with full rights.