Slow your roll old timer!

I always assumed the way it works is that as people move up the skill and knowledge ladder they answer more complex questions. Ideally people who just finished their first builds would field newbie questions while people who are experts can gloss over them and go on to answer the more complex questions.

That way everyone learns and everyone contributes. And nobody has to get frustrated.


That is how it’s working, only thing is the oldies aren’t leaving the noobies to help eachother and grow by themselves haha.

The forum is kind of an addiction 🤷


This is typically what happens and its a good practice, but for some reason a large portion of the people that have finished a build or two don’t have a lot of patience with n00bs. I honestly don’t know where it’s coming from but it hasn’t always been that way.

I mean it has and it hasn’t. There’s always a couple of people that are impatient but thee seems to be more lately.


This is true. We’ve got a lot of assholes here now a days and people just seem to be fine with it.


I think being an asshole is OK as long as it is helpful, but I am probably biased. :joy: My greatest mentors were irritable old curmugins but they could wax on and on about a process or topic that made them smile.


haha this is so true

I get what you’re saying here but when someone doesn’t take 10 minutes to read the intro threads or even learn the names of common components before they ask questions they will get hostility from the people who did.

Diy spirit, help and advice are different to lazy spoon feeding. There’s a trend in our most helpful users on the forum, they’ve all blown up a board or lost a limb for esk8. Learning all along the way.


this whole board kind of has a reputation of being hostile to new people - i’ve been told more than many times from newbs they don’t like to participate because they find it somewhat toxic in here.

yes…it’s a hassle answering the same old questions but if we just respond to all simple questions with “use the search button,” it’s not really fostering growth or welcoming new people.

having said that, yea…will these hubs work with this ebay esc…if someone asks that one more time…beat down time.


I get that but without the new users posting simple questions this forum will just become a place to bitch or post pretty pictures. It is still important to refrain from brow beating the new users without giving advice. If you want to beat them up for not searching I think maybe giving a little advice at the same time would be good etiquette.


I’m fine with stupid questions, I have a lot of them myself. What I don’t like is when someone starts a new thread every few days over every question they have.




I absolutely love this thread and agree 100% @chaka. Every time I see those words, utsb, I oof a little, and it’s a bit irritating.

I got nothing else worthwhile to add, there are some good points in this thread. I’m trying to remember the life of silverfish since ~2002-2003 to when it died, since you keep bringing it up and I get nostalgic about that place. What was your username on silverfish @chaka?


I always try to search my topic before I post to make sure I dont get told to use the search button lol. Saw it happen to others too many times. So in a way, it does help with a little bit of the clutter. Plus if you can’t handle a few a-holes on the internet…:man_shrugging:t3:


As long as you don’t come up all two month with a great thread like this this forum will not become silent :joy:

And there is always tech talk…the difference is which kind of…

Without to hit you personally, but how much noob questions you answer every day in an open thread? Not so much I think. So you more the silent one. That’s ok…but if everybody is silent this forum…I think you can guess the rest of this sentence…

Also this thread is a bit overdone I think. I agree that we should welcome new members, but nothing bad in telling that research helps a lot for understanding.

They way how some of us communicate that might be just not the right.


Here is a crazy idea. How about adding a requirement like “you can only post after reading time to be at least 10 hours” to everyone or something similar?


I dont know about 10 hours, but the reading requirement is so short and simple to get around its honestly the worst. I think a minimum of 4 reading hours, 50 threads visited and 10 replies would be good.

I get why things are the way they are, but that doesnt mean it cant be improved upon

Its sort of like analyzing data, one data point / requirement isnt going to cut it :thinking:


One thing I want to mention here as well. There are some people coming from social media where they got answered all there noon questions and after that they come here and ask all the same again. If people who took the time to explain all that before read everything from the same person I can fully understand that they get mad and just suggest to use the search function. Not saying it’s always like this, but we had this cases as well. So, yeah it also very much depends. It also depends how newbies take the advice they get from people here. Some ask for help and than just ignore all the suggestions and come to the same result like before which is just an endless circle…

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Sometimes a basic question being asked leads to a nice summary of information that is otherwise scattered through several threads, everyone is a noob at something and getting the first handle on a subject can be hard. Having said that, reading the “is diy right for you” thread should maybe be mandatory before posting rights are given.


I think we need to keep an updated “extreme budget build” list handy in a thread of its own, similar to the heavily-linked post by @mmaner

That way we can direct folks to a thread

A hallmark feature of that would be a list of parts in the first post that helps n00bs

And with old timers selecting the parts list, the n00bs would at least be building the best cheap esk8 possible.

Instead of ending up with HTD3M belts or 260Kv motors or hub motors or something else that will hamstring them later.


But then the question rises how can we know if they actually read the thread or not, or if they just scrolled through at whatever pace discourse deems reasonable? Surely testing them isnt an option due to language… :man_shrugging: Its never going to be perfect


And for the love of Jiminy Cricket MAKE IT EDITABLE FOREVER