Small Skateboard Enclosure Help

Second build for my wife to use mid-commute. Needs to be small for many reasons and I think I’ve managed it well but need help working out an enclosure.

Since the components will be velcro’d to the deck the enclosure needn’t carry weight and I was thinking to use a silicone/rubber sheet to cover everything.

  1. What options do I have for securing the sheet? (needs to be removable so I can take parts and batteries out when needed)
  2. What other viable options are there? (I don’t have the time to make an enclosure myself at the moment)

Thanks for your ideas in advance,


Components will be situated as follows, the XT-90s is the receiving end for the loop key that’s next to the mini remote. I don’t have the bluetooth module in yet, nor have I connected the sensor but they’re tiny and can sit next to the batteries (2 3S batteries on top of one another).

You could use a piece of leather, with rivets or sex bolts to secure it to the deck.

I’m interested


Me too, where can I pick up some of these? Need them for a project I’m working on…

Finding an enclosure to fit that board will be a challenge, although I still have to recommend that you protect all of your components with a hard shell case. You don’t want any rocks while riding to puncture anything.

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Yep, like for leather or kydex holsters.

Oh shit I thought it was a typo haha nice never knew they called those inserts that

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Haha sex bolts for leather…well I never!

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Never mind the enclosure, how are you gonna fit both feet on the thing?

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@Jedi I’ll considerr leather, could I not do the same with silicone or rubber?

@Namasaki wife has small feet.

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