I’m selling a custom remote, inspired by solidgeek’s remote and ervinelin’s remote, with my own custom modifications.
See here for more details about the remote: https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/twinsens-3d-printed-nrf-remote/50482
It is designed to work out of the box with all RC ESCs. It can also control VESCs but the uploaded firmware does not show the telemetry from the ESC. The main difference from solidgeek’s remote is that it uses 3v3 instead of 5v, so if you want to use his firmware for telemetry, some code changes are required. Keep in mind that you are buying a custom made experimental remote. While I used it for 200 KM with no problems, your results might be different. You have access to the schematics and code so you can tinker with it as you like.
Price: 60$ + shipping from Europe. Why so expensive? Buying all the parts from china costs around 58$(it can end up cheaper if I make more). Not to mention that the 3d printing soldering and assembly is about 8 hours of work.