[SOLD EU] Trampa Parts : Carver Deck With Kaly enclosure, Mini Vertigo Spring Trucks, Motor Mount by Idea & more

I wanted a street carver so I bought this setup from @barajabali 2 months ago, but then the Lacroix bros presented their sweet deck & enclosure and I knew I wanted it even more… so my future build is shaping up to be pretty different than what I had envisioned in the first place and I have no more use for this deck and enclosure. Since this is an assembly of parts that are pretty well matched together, and build by one of the leaders of this forum I figured I might as well try to sell the lot together.

Here’s what you get if you pull the trigger on this lot :

  • Trampa 16 ply solid carve deck with lcd battery charge indicator, XLR 3pin wheatherproof charge port and On/Off switch flawlessly integrated in the tail and the nose.
  • 2x Trampa vertigo mini spring trucks with yellow dampas.
  • Double motor mount made by @Idea, mounted and aligned by @barajabali
  • Enclosure made by @Kaly designed to accomodate a 12S4P battery, a BMS an 2 VESCs (square format). There is a sealing foam gasket to keep the water out.
  • Trampa ratchet bindings
  • Antispark switch by @goldenhusky mounted on a custom heatsink plate that can also accomodate 2 Focboxes.
  • Trampa set of 8 bearings & spacers suited to fit normal skateboard wheels on the 9.525mm mini Vertigo Axle
  • Trampa set of 8 bearings & spacers suited to fit Superstar / Hypa wheels on the 9.525mm mini Vertigo Axle
  • Original Jessup grip replaced by Vicious griptape

The general state of the parts is very good. I never rode it and the original builder told me he only did a few trial runs with it. My price for the lot is 625€ which I think is a fair deal when you consider the price of the individual parts and the craftsmanship that went into it. That being said, you are free to offer a lower price. I will most certainly consider it unless I get a better one. I might be open to selling individual parts so feel free to offer as well.


And here’s a vid to demonstrate the flex with my 85 kg

Intrested, will PM you shortly.

This is a weird decision. Trading carbon fibre deck with wood. Trading a nice trampa truck to abit lower grade truck. Also a sweet custom mount to normal mass produce motor mount without the crossbar. Not quite sure with the quality of Lacroix boards, but I always doubt about “mass produced” board quality. Lacroix definitely looks great, but I think you need to give it a second thought.

I’m just getting their deck & enclosure. the rest i would custom fit to the board. I’m only selling my trucks if I can get a good price on them to replace with something nice. The trampa deck is nice and all but I have huge feet so the appeal of the Lacroix deck is maybe a bit stronger for me.

I’m dropping the price on the whole to 625€

So tempted hmmm , maybe in a month or 2 when I have enough money on the side to spend id buy if still available

I have an offer I’m almost happy with. This thing will be sold tomorrow. If you want it it’s time to act.

TLDR; buy @philvanzu’s kit, it’s a great price/fun ratio.

Hey bud, scepticism is healthy and I understand you have some about the LaCroix board. After all, our first orders are about to ship and nobody but my brother and I and close friends have seen it in the flesh. We expect our product will speak for itself when we ship out our first orders within the next 2 weeks and that like all products, they live or die on their own merits. We’re aiming for a long life :wink:

But there are a couple of assumptions that are not quite right in your post. To start, the trampa board is not carbon fiber. It’s a composite which includes, namely, fiberglass, which is heavy. My 12s4p (48cell) Trampa is close to 2 pounds heavier my 60 cell DSS60. Our deck and enclosure are partly to thank for that. Also, we chose to delete the cross bar in our mounts for 2 reasons - weight and aesthetics. The cross bar offers stability. We chose to CNC slighly larger motor mounts and fix them to the truck with a beefy M8 screw. This is still lighter than having a cross bar and the result is a very solid mount that does not require such a bar.

I appreciate that you think we are masse produced, but we are far from. Every board is hand made. And every DSS60 is not only hand made but also hand assembled by myself and my brother, here in Montreal. Or course, like any company, we wish to grow but we’ll never compromise the quality while doing so. There is a way to keep the artisan mindset and skills in growing a company. And that’s what we are doing.

Finally, for the trucks, I’m not sure which trucks are lower grade than Trampa but I can send you some pics of my Trampas that have hairline cracks and several imperfections from the casting process… We now bought over several dozens of Matrix trucks and have yet to see anything remotely similar. I might have just caught a bad batch though. I mean, in the end, you’ll have fun on the Trampa trucks and everything can break if you try hard enough, but it simply has not been our experience that Matrix are lower grade. Quite the contrary.



Sold ! (Thanks to @Arch for helping the sale by pinpointing the flaws in the product btw :money_mouth_face:)

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LOL, sorry Phil! But you know you can always count on me to set the record straight! :wink: