Sold maytech esc's

Selling two new maytech dual esc’s with built in led on/off switch, 100amp total 50amp per esc. One was used for a 1 mile’ish test run and the other tested on the bench to verify it worked. Ended up buying some flipsky dual 6.6’s on sale and liked them more. $110 Each, shipping included to the U.S.

They’re in a box put away so here’s a stock photo.


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Aren’t these tuned for specific motors?

No you can program them

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Are they vesc based? Or does maytech have proprietary software?

Edit: just realized these are 4.20 vescs

I think VESC, I fried one of these but it did program with the VESC tool

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Still available. They worked great in bldc on 10s. Never tried higher voltage. And yeah i guess its a vesc 4.20 design.