[solved] VESC - Motor Detection Failed (No spinning)

the right parts is suppose to be a 10K Thermistor 81-NCP18XH103F03RB

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yeah that’s what I have (what the software thinks it is). Maybe it’s not clear on my spreadsheet. I’ll make sure to polish it a bit more if this actually works and I end up posting it. The R1 value I get though should be about 1k since they only go in 10x increments. My B_real value is probably wrong.

EDIT: edited my comment with better values and clearer instructions, they’re not quite exact without the part numbers but it should be on the more conservative side. I’ll link the spreadsheet if this works.

EDIT2: I’ll also probably get more error in the temperature measurements (more jitter in the data) since the resistance values will be lower (higher temps mean lower resistance for these thermistors) so I’ll have to make sure that’s not an issue.

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It was the same but supposedly the batch was damaged somehow. NCP18XH103F03RB

Wierd, well I’ll probably just return it then, but it’s funny that all the boards display the same temperature of ~113C. Thanks for the feedback in any case, was just trying to find a way not to have to return it.

@cricrithezar You can just replace the R1 component and it would be perfectly fine. If you didn’t want to go through the trouble. You can send it back and we’ll send you a new one.

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I might do that then, might tinker around with it to see if temperatures are measured in a predictable manner since the max temp is adjustable. Thanks for all the feedback, sorry for the many questions.