Strange VESC Problem at Startup

Dear Members

I need your advice - my board has a weird behavior since a couple of weeks. Whenever I start the board and want to throttle it will stop the throttle. I will throttle again and it will stop for another 3-4 times and then suddenly it will work.

The VESC will print the following errors. Anyone had a similar issue ?


Thanks for your help.

But my board works after one minute… its only the startup phase

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Any way to get live data? Metr?


I could try to record it with the metr app. Never used metr app for live data though. Could it be that the Hall sensor is giving up on me ?

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Just get meter data and report back, it could be anything really


Will do and then supply the screenshot. Thanks


What FW are you running?

I don’t think it’s fried as I’ve been taught that drv fualt is like a check engine light on your car, it could be number of things but not exactly the drv

Or the drv is just fried…


@AlanZhou you are right. I was in school and just jumped to conclusion’s a bit to fast.

Maybe the wizard himself could be helpful? :slight_smile: @JohnnyMeduse

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Ok so after taking a closer look at Vedder’s schematic I think that you could test if the DRV8302 is still working if you just measure the output voltage at your PWM cable… :slight_smile:

If you have a multimeter just check if your remote receives power… :slight_smile:

Someone, please correct me if I’m wrong.

I was just assuming that he’s talking about a 4.12.

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We dont even know what VESC hes talking about, I mean it can be guess based on previous posts but ???

Gotta provide information

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dude how is your reply ABOVE my post :o LOL

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It is a maytech Vesc… HW is 4.10 I think.


I ninja edited my original post… :joy:

Ah yes, maybe email them to ask for their schematic? If theyll give it out :man_shrugging:

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So it couldn’t be a sensor issue ? I replaced the Hall sensor of my motor one year ago…

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I didnt know you could change reply mid edit :thinking: I’ve never been able to do that before

Oh well :joy:

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I don’t think so. Do you have a other vesc you could try it with? You could also try running it sensorless? (Wohnst du in Wien? Dann könnte ich dir eventuell helfen) :slight_smile:

It could be anything man, maybe the silicone in some computer chip just took a poo

who knows :man_shrugging:

Your best bet is the wizard @JohnnyMeduse or @ThermalM16 for vesc repair, just remember that soldering a vesc requires precision… if you attempt it on your own be ready to take your time lol


I already replaced a DRV8302 on another VESC… however I don’t really want to change it if I don’t have to. With my hot air station I tend to fry them sometimes because my Temp is not reliably stable.

I think if the board runs after one minute I can’T imagine that the DRV8302 is fried. It might be something else - but I will try unsensored mode tonight and see what happens