Taking hiatus from e-skate Industry

I would say as @evoheyax did and call it “e-skate industry” or just “skating” or “eskating”. Really, anything else.

This is an industry. A very fresh industry that’s only 3, at most, 4 years old. I used my board as my main mode of trasportation to get to my university every day. I plan to also use it to get to work when I get my first programming job. Cars are great, and it’s not a hobby either, as i need it at least 5 days a week to be efficient. But if you want to get to work in downtown SF, a car is the worst way to get to work if you live in the city limits (like me).

But don’t get too caught up in it either. Thanks to bird and lime and al of the electric scooter companies, people here are starting to see how personal electrical vehicles are the future of cities like SF. Going out on he town with your girl? Yea, you drive and deal with parking being a bitch. But I need to ship something 4 long blocks down the street? I’m using my board. Need to visit freinds 15 long blocks away? I’m taking my board. If I can, I will use my board over my car any day. And people will see, that this is the future of cities, especially small cities like SF.


And then it rained…


It hasn’t rained in SF in like, 2 months or so now. It maybe rains 30 days out of the year, so rain is not a big issue. It does create chaos though because so many people here don’t know how to drive in the rain, so they end up going 20 in a 35 for light rain.

…and people wonder why California has the been the center of skateboard evolution for decades, the lack of water led to riding empty pools too, and we all know how that turned out.

My point is that your perspective, is extremely unique, your perfectly temperate weather, smooth cement, heritage in skateboarding all lend to making such conclusions, BUT…like I said it’s unique, if and when you left California and traveled the world, you would see what I mean…but I hear you…just be more specific when you say “this is the travel device of the future for urban environments” because those cats in Seattle would beg to differ, greatly…


I all with you exept for the “smooth concrete” part. I’m gonna move back to Germany soon and I’ll sure miss the SF weather when I’m riding there, but the roads in the bay area are a complete dumpster fire. I got some pics to back me up on this :joy:

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You need to travel more, in many parts of the country they lack even roads and never seen a sidewalk…so there’s that…lol At least you have cement to bitch about, lol

I love you man, but give it a rest. LOL