Taobao agent in China

What the Hell dude chill out… your not on marketplace… your on privately own forum for and abouth diy… take a look around most seller around here are well known from the community and has contributed to his expension… most of them don’t even make money. I never said that I’m agaist chinese reseller, I just don’t want 50 of them haging around, and I feel we should support people who take the time to contribute to this community, other than people who just show up to sell stuf, without having to do there own homework.

You are pretty new to this forum… may I suggest you to read more, and get more info before getting involve in a political mess.


Really… really… your taking everything put of context here… please as a new member do your homework…

I didn’t said vendor shouldn’t make profit, I said vendor are not making huge profit around here… And that pool was only answer by less than 0.2% of the community… which is not really representative…

And please don’t drag this thread of topic

Regards JF

Ok… I’m sorry but…

I’ve been around here for over a year now, I started offering repair services 6month ago… after 6month of checking this forum everyday and helping for free everyone I could… I’ve also put myself out there helping othet compagnie and vendor for free, I event travel to China at my own expense just to help… I do not make money out of my repair services (less then 10dollars per vesc I repair), and still I’m here every day, helping people that I don’t know so they can complete their project… I also put alot of work in other people project (alwalys for free), I’m not here for the money, I here to support a community…,.

And if you don’t beleive me ask these gentlemen…

@Michaelinvegas @onloop @mmaner @barajabali @JLabs @psychotiller @Blasto @treenutter @lowGuido @everyone




Can i get a TLDR?

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@KneelB4ZOD I’ll give you a bit of maybe why we’re generally pretty opposed to sellers like this. A lot of the members here have delt with chinese manufacturers; some are okay and even good, so we obviously continue to do business with those.

I think I’m pretty safe in saying that in our collective experience, many manufacturers and resellers (especially those in electronics, like those selling “VESCs”) are not interested enough in quality (which directly effects our personal safety) and many of our members have been hurt physically or monetarily due to this. We’re hesitant to branch out to new manufactures or resellers much, especially to recommend them to our newer builders who aren’t as familiar with some of the nuances of building electric boards, and wanting to save some money but don’t know where they can do so.


Dang phone lol

None lol jokes on you

Not very PC

So … who do you really work for…these days…I won’t tell…it will be our little secret :wink:

HOLY SHIT… This is the first anyone has ever mentioned it…you mean they make stuff to make profit??? Man…I can’t believe they don’t do this shit for free?

All day folks… all day

To quote myself again

I will crush you lol