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@J0ker336620190518_131725 20190518_135255 Edit: mock up with ripped onan parts, rayne excorcist 34"-hubs and integrated charger😊 20190517_192321@skunk so just playing around​:grinning::hugs:



What Android app is that?


The focbox unity ui app.

Cool. I was excited for a sec. But I’ll probably never have a Unity so… :money_with_wings:





@xilw3r being that close you will probably get an annoying “clickiry clickity” over some pavements and bumps.


Nah man, the mounts are 5mm steel. Nothing i went over resulted in any audible clicks. Although the diy “trucks” are squeaky, so i might have missed something.

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Where did you get that voltage meter from, I need one

Not my pic but have an answer :grin:

You find them on Aliexpress e.g.

Pay attention that you order one which looks like this on the back side


and not like this (it takes much more space for the wires)


Also there are versions with 2 buttons


I don’t post a link because I’ve ordered 3 and got 2 with 1 button only. Furthermore the left button has no function. It should be the power button and on the right button you switch between percentage and voltmeter. Percentage is useless IMO if you can’t program it that e.g 3.5V is 0%.


I mainly want it because I can charge my board at the same time while the percentage and voltage are shown, can anyone make one for me?

Usually I wire this meter before the antispark switch or loopkey. I can monitor the battery while charging or anytime I want without switching the board on. The stand by consumption is very low. With the button you cycle between ON / PERCENTAGE / VOLTAGE / OFF

The left button works, you have to hold it in before you power it up. You can choose the battery chemistry and series count.


That makes no sense to me. I can change settings with the cycle button when holding it before power up. The only reason why I ordered the 2 button version was because a forum member who use it told me the left is for swiching on/off and the right button for cycling between percentage and voltage. It would be nicer to have an additional on/off button instead of pressing it twice to read voltage.

I have 5 of them and they are different. Some have 1 small button on the rear, others not. Furthermore they have solder pads for 5 different modes (like switching off backlight after 10 seconds). I soldered 2 together which should be expert mode where 3.2V is 0%. Unfortunately it doesn’t work.

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Printed @mmaner shell he so graciously supplied for us all, and wired it up.


I also never got the solder pads to work :rofl:

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@Mobutusan Do you have a link for that? Mine sucks compared to that one

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Bonus is that it’s $2.50 cheaper now than when I bought it a couple days ago. I’ve got other tools made by Lisle and they make quality products. At first I couldn’t even get the tool over the pulley cause of that fat little black piece, but after I backed out the tool all the way, it forced that piece off the end and now it fits over and inside the pulley.


Look familiar? 20190518_191300


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Do want.

it’s pretty good stuff…