[Text Responses] No words…just pictures delete words!

Hehe, nice. That looks useful. I just need to change “helmet” to “charge your remote”. :slight_smile:

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Took me alot longer then it should have to figure it out :joy::joy::joy:

Spent 2 hours stumped untill relizing I needed ; at the end of everything


What exactly have you done there?


I’ll start by stating that its an unnecessarily ridiculous pursuit that I’m playing with out of shear curiosity. atm, it has a pixhack and rpi, with gps, power monitoring and stuff, mainly for data logging. AGAIN, I’m aware that there are more lightweight and easy to implement ways to do what i’m doing, its just what i want to do lol. I was super into drones and uavs and whatnot before getting into esk8, so i have a lot of parts laying around that ive decided to repurpose. at the moment, im still playing around with apm control of the vescs, and the different protocols available. UAVCAN, TBS CRSF, a ground control station ‘suit’, wifi, ble, mavproxy, traditional ppm or uart, and different combinations thereof. once I settle in on a path/protocol, further integration and features.

I know, I know… but I’m having fun with it lol


I feel pretty stupid right now so what does it actually do?


well for example, it logs gps data, accel data, imu data, log all inputs and outputs, power state and usage, and other stuff. Likewise, it can accept a wide range of input types, as i’d like to play around with a few different systems… standard pwm/ppm, sbus, tbs crossfire, ground control station. Pretty much, i just have a lot of data logging, input/output options (not limited to a 2-3 input pwm channels or vesc uart data telem). I also have a raspberry pi in there to talk to the flight controller, which can act on the fc with python or whatever. I’m still tuning the whole thing out, finding which path works best for me. But i have the ability to very easily implement a number of control schemes, some simultaneously. If i were good at programming or circuit design, i’d just go about designing my own shit. I’m mediocre at best in both fields, but I’m rich in parts, imagination and curiosity, so this has been my passion project lol <3


As you said it sounds very complicated and unnecessary, however I completely understand you for going that route.

Sometimes it is not about the destination but about the journey. :+1:


lol exactly!

for the most part, everything i’m doing could be done another way, but i do see potential in this path. I have plans for further implementation once i settle on control scheme, such as leds lighting/controlled by board tilt, warning messages, cooling system lol.

thats what i love about diy, its a very personal thing lol


https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/no-words-just-pictures-delete-words-2/88821/1193?u=grozniy How mucho for 4x urban threads brother?

thats how cool shit is developed, keep on brother.


Only tyres with inner tubes?

Yep 10chars

Aw damn, was eying them too!

You can have them :slight_smile:

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We have seen plenty of these all aluminium decks. I wonder how hard would it be to have one with integrated enclosure :thinking: https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/no-words-just-pictures-delete-words-2/88821/1205?u=grozniy


I dont think is hard. I’ll probably install a wooden enclosure. This one in particular is a super rare (my type of deck) All-CNC alum deck. Manufacturer (a freaking genious) went out of bussiness before going mainstream. Probably made no more than five decks (and thats being generous). There is another deck like this one that I’m aware off. So, there are not many of these out there.

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shittin me man? Literally ordered a bamboo last night…

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You can’t go wrong with the Puck though. It’s the only other remote I own that is still in use.


Yeah, but I could save $90 w/the nylon version lmao.

I asked for free stickers and enough grip tape for the circumference of the puck, may they’ll pull thru :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, the Midnight Puck isn’t available yet. Likely still 2-3 months out. That’s just an early Midnight prototype I modded.


I’ve had these for testing awhile now, nothing new.