The nicest hub motors! For sale cheaper than anywhere!

Maybe I didn’t answer ur question. If u got a blue motor from me and you end up disappointed as the high heat is limiting for u or u end up with a rattling…ill give u another set for 150$ plus shipping. I’m looking to have everyone content and until all kinks are overcome ur flying at no extra charge till we get u happy. I expect motors to slide sideways down hills at 30 casually daily. I need a GoPro and I’ll show u how these go

Yeah man…I’m sure your leaning tons … and that’s awesome…been watching you struggle with development…both you a @jacobbloy…of course everyone else on here that’s got a vested interest in making thier shit work…so watching from the sidelines…you guys are pretty amazing…def got balls…and sticking with it… I hope ur v2 come out awesome…

Carvon is the name of the game I feel right now…the ones to beat… Competition is good … For all of you and the consumer…

Keep at it @Hummie you have a desire for better…and if you find it…we all benefit

You’ll see it’s all there. Other than my blue goo fiasco and I think the rubber at 83 duro isn’t good enough things are done. I ride the crap out of my motors. Drop them. Run them over by a car. I look forward to future testing by other people. And that’s the mechanical aspect…electrically, as a motor, these are the most efficient motors u will find period simply because they have stator laminations almost half as thick as everything else at .2mm. Cuts done iron losses hugely. Efficiency means less heat which means higher wattage possible I sold my board complete. Rent, rubber, and 3D printed fins for the motor holes.

Right on…

there isn’t anyone here that has taken away from what we all seem to love …

Yeah…some heated discussions…but fuck…we are adults and agree to disagree at times…but in the end (You all know who you are) are the pioneers, the innovators, the cheerleaders of electric skateboarding …

Thank you all for your hard work

I applied an extra layer of heatshrink on all leads (on the pic the right one is done). I also got some cable sheating which i’ll throw on when i finally receive my VESC’s and i can solder the whole thing together.

One small thing i noticed about these motors and what would make them even better, is if the leads that come out of the motor would be on the same symmetrical spot when mounted. I tried switching left/right, and this is the closest to symmetrical i could get (i’m going to turn the truck around so the wires won’t be so visible from behind).

That would be very hard to od as different hanger might have slightly different threading. Btw I would recommend to heat shrink all of the 3 wires together if you have a heat shrink that fits in. This would give additional protection to the wires coming out just incase they went undo (glue heating up undoing lock).

skate axles all have the same threading but just different lengths along the axle.

Mine have 4 layers of shrinkwrap and it becomes kind of rigid and sticks out and there’s nothing Needed to hold it. I’ve got Velcro holding them comin out of the vescs. Turning is not a problem as the wires all come to the center of the truck Uploading… I did get lucky with a symmetrical wire set up, actually I think it’s probably because the epoxy I used was too thick and the motor didn’t bottom out.

Check ur motors and feel how solid they are. Any movement in bearings or the axle especially is no good. Talking of tight fittings, and keeping the competition fierce, lever’s motors up till now at least, are a mismatch of an 8mm bearing sitting on a 5/16 inch axle. True that’s what they do in the skate world and I can crank them down so there’s no play, and I do, but in an electric motor u won’t find that happening. I don’t know if retaining fluid could even fill a gap that size. We should expect it silent and solid.

And the rubber. Check it competely for movement before u get it going. feel it when its hot. Be aware

i say the only proof of which is better is the customer reviews, they are the ones that u make them for right?

I’m surprised at ur response. I thought we were open and talking about our motors. I don’t have secrets or keep secrets. I’m here talking about motors and enjoying the mechanical challenges with others in the game. I’m sorry us feel I broke ur trust. I was writing with u in private asking what ur stuff was sitting on, bearings, because I asked u above and u didn’t say exactly, and ur mechanics are no secret or shouldn’t be. How can we talk about the mechanics of a motor if we aren’t going to talk about numbers and what we have?! I’m open to anything u want to tell me about what I’m screwing ups. I tell u my screw ups. On the quest for a decent hub motor skateboard, which is the quest I’m on, and it’s for me, this is how u get it done. Ur stuff I imagine is great. I’m over here far away watching occasional videos of stuff but who knows and some of us are more picky than others and I’m not satisfied with what Youve got and I’m telling u why. Otherwise maybe I’d have bought it and be done.

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I agree. We will see. I actually think people will be bummed with the rubber after a while and maybe the heat. I screwed up with that. Luckily I find the motors have a lot of power and will satisfy most as is. Anyone who rides the blue goo any length of time and wants the unadulterated motors 150$ with rubber and US shipping.

BWhat’s the secret on front wheel drive? I like it. Ur paranoid. I’m not in a battle with u just trying to figure out what we’re all selling and see what’s better. It’s a hobby.

I don’t know what dirt on me you have. Since I only know u through here I don’t know what it could be. Maybe another screw up. I thought we were talking bout motors. The only thing I can think…I returned s lot of,stuff that I didn’t like to dexter. I don’t know. My old tacon hub motor that was a bad design. I wish there was some sexual intrigue but there’s no women here

theres nothing private about it. Stylz posted up how to do it on endless sphere and that’s where u learned.

Yea too much yada yada from me on here. But other than that…calling me a poser. I’m on a public forum for people to learn and talk openly about building and ideas. That makes me a poster but don’t feel like a poser.

Hey mate really! I have made an effort not to even post here but

“The most efficient hub motors out there” Blatant lie or your just and idiot!

Customers are complaining your motors are getting to hot a 0.2mm stator lamination isn’t going to help that there getting hot because your winding has a high resistance. Every motor factory (tiger motor, scorpion, hacker, maytech including my factory have 0.2mm lamination you didn’t invent this) Making your motor rated up to 200deg won’t make any difference. Ferrari don’t have a powerful engine because it’s rated up to 1000deg it’s because they engineered good breathing and cooling and made the dam thing efficient.

I remember a conversation with Theo from inboard that I had while helping them with there design, I suggested to use 45SH magnets because of the heat rating he said “jacob why would I ever need this? I would never let my motors go over 60deg”

This is true and some thing you should really work on.

Low efficiency produces heat, high resistance produces heat, to much eddy current leakage can produce low efficiency and finally to much eddy current can produce heat.

You talk about bearings bearings bearings and tolerance and glue but do you even know how to fix any of these efficiency’s because these are the most important parts to a hub motor because if you don’t fix them then go back to a belt drive and don’t waist the time and money!

Choose your reply carefully because if you reply with a smart ass comment or some thing bad about my motors in return then ppl might actually see that you don’t know what you are doing when it comes to the actual electrical engineering aspects of these motors. Or you could head to google or wiki or some of the very educated members of this forum who might help you and fix the dam problem!

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You don’t know what ur talking about yet calling me an idiot.

The reason some of the motors are getting hot is because they have thermal epoxy in some of them and it retains heat. My windings have the lowest resistace possible because it’s single strand copper. The only thing that will beat that is silver single strand or graphene if it ever comes out. Look it up. Learn it. Then try to make urs that low resistance and while ur at it how but telling us what urs is!!

I didn’t invent .2mm laminations and as u say there are some manufacturers that use it. How much do they sell their motors for? Huge cost. What’s YOURS? You will not find anyone running .2mm stator lam motors on their board unless they spent at least 250$ for the motor alone. Most of the motor manufacturers u listed will SOMETIMES do a .2mm stator but often it’s .25. Look it up. These are where the majority of the iron losses come from especially because with a hub motor’s fewer commutation sleep hysteresis lower. Look it up and learn and the get back to me when u know what you’re talking about

Temperature? U don’t know what ur talking about and I’m not impressed with your name dropping. If you research scorpion motors or other motors that have higher performance it’s often because they use higher heat magnets enabling the motor to go to higher heat and therfore higher wattage. Look it up. Do a search for scorpion high heat magnets. In fact they use weak magnets so they can get higher temp ability and they make up for it wth a smaller airgap

“Low efficiency produces heat, high resistance produces heat, to much eddy current leakage can produce low efficiency and finally too much eddy current can produce heat.”. I don’t think u know what ur talking about again and if anything your explaining why my motors are more efficient than ANY motor you will find. Sure low efficiency and high resistance produce heat. My motors are more efficient then yours because I have single strand wire, and they limit eddy current way more then yours because of the thin stator lamination. What strand count and how thick are your lams? Air cooling… I have room for air turbines in my holes and I’ll be sure to show u the results when they come in

Smart ass comment? How bout u respond to my questions above and we can get some other people around who know something and we can show you how electronic motors work

My motor will crush yours or any other in terms of efficiency because of the reasons I’ve listed. Find someone to tell me otherwise and I’ll give you a kiss. I also have a super thick shaped flux ring/rotor while yours…see what happens when you put iron on the outside of the rotor. Theres your wasted flux.

I had a batch of stupid thermal epoxy experimentation and hope to get unadulterated motors in their hands. I’m willing to lose money on this. Anyone who bought a set of the blue motors I’ll send a set of the better motors for 100$!!!plus shipping.

That was my first stupid batch. when you sent me and everyone else what was supposed to be your 5th iteration prototype beta bull …it didn’t work at all and u told us not to ride them because we would die. And I know u didn’t give everyone their money back.

I’m stunned. The reason I made these is because urs were such crap! I imagine they must’ve finally gotten better but mechanically u will allways be at a huge disadvantage: you have multiple little screws, multiple interfaces, all slide fittings, and no way to replace rubber without taking the motor apart. A motor you can take apart and isn’t locked tight, especially with an aluminum shaft…we will see. And we will see that mechanical challenges are what it’s really about

The only reason my motors are compromised in performance is because I added all this thermal epoxy which turns out to be detrimental. Certainly beats your 1st, second,third, or whatever pile of crisp you called what u sold us a year and a half ago. You were so full of it. Lies lies lies and incompetence. I won’t even go into it.

We will see Jacob we will see. And when u actually learn some science instead of claiming to, and stop dropping names, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Anyone who got the blue motors I’ll send u another set of the good motors form100$!

I can’t stomach these people selling crap and spewing bull and ripping on my stuff

We will see!

I think this can only be settled by a race…