The Probable Injury | TwoBareFeet | 8" Trucks | SK3 6354 260kv | Handmade Mount | 6S 5000mah | 150Xcar

Well I’ve just placed my last order for bit so hopefully starting soon!

Been very interested in esk8 since the Casey Neistat’s Video where he got the Boosted V1. Happened upon this forum and I’ve not looked back. No former Skate experience apart from a brief stint when I was 10yo and I vaguely remember that not going all that well.

Live in the UK, my local area is pretty well set out with cycle paths so should be able to ride regularly, mainly for leisure as my commute is 35mile on motorways!

Build as per the title,

The board may prove to be a pain in the ass as its a drop deck ( Not a skater and thought it looked cool) Using cheap wheels off of eBay and cheap 8" hanger trucks. Trucks will need modification (basically the reason I didn’t go for Paris 195’s off the bat) so if I totally screw it I’ve only lost a small amount.

I have a chunk of Alu that will be fashioned into a motor mount (engineer by trade so designed on CAD) pretty handy overall so I’m not too worried about this part. Pulleys ordered from a bearing supplier in the UK, belts will be ordered once any mods to the bracket have been made, I calculated the length but I know I will have to move/change something so Ill wait. I will build two of everything in preparation for dual motors, I’m 6’4’’ and a touch over 226 so this thing is going to need some HP!

I have ordered 6 1S 5000mah pouch cells (was cheaper) and plan on making two 3S batteries, I’m liking the idea as I’ve gained some flexibility on the layout and size of packs. Xcar 150A ESC as I read some good reviews on here and didn’t want the expense of a VESC yet…(10s and dual in mind already)

QUANUM 2.4GHZ 3CH PISTOL GRIP TX & RX SYSTEM as the GTB2 was on back-order.

Ordered boat loads of connectors and cable etc and other parts such as bolts will be sourced locally as and when I need them.

As I have been typing my HobbyKing order has been dispatched for delivery tomorrow!

Will update with Pics as they come in!

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Sounds good man, where about are you in the UK? I ride a twobarefeet too, i love how they look. Mine’s a 42" Pintail :smiley: Just be wary of the TX/RX you’ve got there, very prone to drop outs/ bad failsafe set up. If i were you id look about on here, someone will definitely have a nano or something available for £20.

Look forward to seeing it!

Ahh man, I’ve just read the threads about the Quanum, it’ll get me moving (or not) for now until something better comes up.

Im up near Durham in the NE. Mines the 41" drop board (Stealth or some s**t) . Its a bit rough around the edges but it was £30 delivered!

looks like a good entry level build. dont worry about the quanam. I have used it and its fine. albeit no my favorite. you can always upgrade later if you want.

I used a quantum for about a yr or so never had any issues iv just bought a TBF drop down to build a new board my mtb is just to heavy to go about town

Your build sounds like my first mountainboard in terms of electronic bits ur going to want more battery power safe to carry a spare I carry 4 6s lipo in a back pack

Got any links to cheap wheels and tires ? ( That is to the USA)

I’m from the UK mate, The USA has about 1000x more available than we do :joy: I got flywheel reps off eBay

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Well everything arrived and I’ve started building!

Trucks are pretty soft so I’ll upgrade the bushings. I need some female banana plugs for the esc.

Awaiting some more parts and xt connections. Also need to find my angle grinder as I’m not hacksawing the mount it will take days!

Anyone thinking about useing 10mm aluminium…use 5 or 7!


Haven’t made too much progress on this! The pulley I have has a larger flange than I planned for so I’m revising the mount and the cells I have from HobbyKing have aluminium tabs so they are being returned in favour of a pre-assembled pack. I only have brazing equipment and I’m not liking the idea of an acetylene torch near lipo’s.

I’m looking into wider trucks as I’m getting some wheel bite, for the moment I will stiffen the trucks up a touch but does anyone know of any wider that 8" hanger trucks? ( loving the wider look with the 83mm wheels)

Due to time constraints I’ve now ordered some pulleys and a mount as I haven’t the time to be making my own and I want to ride this thing! 3s Packs are here as is a charger, wiring is almost done! hopefully have a test ride by next weekend.

yey another UK builder :smiley:

on the drawing of the wheel i saw you are going to drill out the center of each spoke. there is a little nub their so i would try and go on either side of it. when drilling the bit wont want to grab their but will want to walk off to a side, so just drill off to the side.

The PCD is for the actual hole mate don’t worry, the circle is just to outline how wide an M5 is. I’m buying a pulley to use for the time being as it’s a flat backed pulley I’ve got and may be a pain in the ass to keep centred

The world is against me! my 12v supply has decided it no longer wished to be among us. And the cheap Mount/Pulley set from eBay arrived minus a 36t pulley!

Sent the wife to the local tooling shop and I will have a go at drilling and tapping the other pulley I bought, which may be a problem as I don’t own a pillar drill. Not putting too much hope in the chinesium mount but it feels pretty solid and it’ll do for now.

On a positive note the power system is all up and running and the transmitter seemed pretty good, Im on the prowl for a programmer for the ESC as its a little rough on the torque curve. very much all or nothing unless you are very ginger with the throttle,

This has been on the back burner but Ive now ordered some hobby king motor mounts, Im also thinking about sitching my trucks for some 218 Torque affairs.

Also struggling with the wheel pulley, snapped a drill bit and its sent the hole off kilter so is not fitting the wheel!

Anyone know of a decent quality 36t pulley in the UK/Eu that isn’t a fortune.

I’ve ground to a halt on this and I’m not sure I will continue.

May be interested in selling everything as a job lot, would be a very cheap way to get started!

(No idea why its upside down)

We have lift off. Decided spending more money was the same as selling it, so I now have some Torque Boards 218 trucks en-route. I’m stripping the deck, varnishing it and adding the battery pack between my feet in a similar style to mountain boards. I’m going to source some clear grip tape too.

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ive already sourced some clear stuff, if it helps the link is

i got it as i’m planning on insetting leds in to the top of the deck on mine :slight_smile:

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Ideal, cheaper than I thought too