The State of DIY - Where it is now and where it's going

lol yep, for sure. Maybe ill make a thread tomorrow…

Looking good!

  1. How will you cover up those gears? At a 90 angle it will be a little difficult to find a common plane to cover those on.

  2. Assuming the motors won’t be flying in the air :slight_smile: I guess you will create an L-profile type motor mount from the motor shaft?

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Haha nope, mounts will ship with a free guide to levitation :wink:.

The mounting bracket for these is very hard to explain in words, I will maybe make a thread tomorrow to document my progress

Sorry for the hijack @Michaelinvegas :joy:

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Looks awesome!

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I wish I had more time to work on them…

Weekends are just about the only time I can sit down and work on them for more than 2 hours. Soon to be eliminated once I get my work permit

I would be very concerned about sand.

@DougM sometimes it’s not even sand…

Ain’t that right @MoeStooge? Sometimes it’s a little bit of tissue paper that can get you. Lol

I think a cover would be needed.


Here’s a case in point

Mod done to a Boosted

The problem with making a gearbox is size…

It would only be possible with 90+mm wheels, unless you wanted to run like 5tooth to 20 tooth :joy:

I haven’t hit tissue paper yet, but I have definitely hit sand :slight_smile:

Hahah yeah man Ask @MoeStooge…We did a group ride in Venice California…one minute he’s behind me…second later…gone… a stupid piece of tissue paper just got sucked up into his gears… and you know what happens then right? Lol good thing Moes short like me…wasn’t a far fall to the ground hahhahaha


lol ill start work on a fully enclosed direct drive for bigger wheels once I finish this one

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Not to dissuade you at all – but why not build on Jenso’s design of the two gears just being on the same plane? But instead you implement a helical gear design for better tooth binding? Also it will be easier to cover up then. This sideways pinion and gear design you are doing looks different and similar to a car’s transmission transfer case but I think the cover will be tricky. I think I remember you posting about a helical gear design in the past.

It’s just an idea - do carry on - still curious how your mount will look.

too mainstream :wink:

ill post some pics of the mount in a second

@GrecoMan we should have someone split this thread…you def should have a place to talk abt your designs…people are interested !

Hey @treenutter help hahah

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Precision gears like the helical are very unforgiving and need to be aligned precisely.

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haha that’d be nice…

no more hijacking :joy:

I may go just make a new thread. Be on the lookout!

When do you think these sets are ready? @Michaelinvegas

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with any helical gear setup the tendency is for one gear to want to push out of plane from the other gear. This then requires a fairly hefty frame to keep them all together. One possible solution is to use the (I’m sure there’s a name for it) type of gear they use in 3D printer extruders

If you’ve got a 4 axis mill handy you can make them using an End Mill Gear Cutter which, last time I checked didn’t exist but now does