Torque Boards V4 Motor Mount for Sale!

This is a Torqueboards v4 motor mount I’m not using anymore, for sale. It has tons of scratches but none of them affect the functionality of it. I have both the 50mm and 63mm arms and will include whichever you need. It will include all the screws necessary for mounting, and ill throw in some spares too. It will need some type of shims put in place inbetween the mount and the truck to clamp tight enough, as all Torqueboards mounts. The mount with one of the arms for $45 shipped, or the mount with both arms, $65 shipped. If you want just certain parts, shoot me a PM.

I’m interested in one are you in the US?

Yes, free shipping in the us included in the price. @Battosaii

Mount sold! I still have a 50mm arm for sale too if anyone needs that.