Truck heights cross comparison

I’m building a landyachtz evo and and have a few different options for trucks that will be able to fit dual 6385 motors. My battery enclosure will be 35-40mm so I’m going to inevitably have some clearance issues to the ground. Right now I’m looking at the torque board 218mm trucks and the surf rods reverse kingpin truck. Does anyone have information or first hand experience between the two trucks? From first glance it looks like the surf rods will sit me lower if I’m under mounting the trucks. But by how much I’m unsure…

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


The surf rodz RKPS will be over a 1/4" lower. Way more stable and solid though!!! Just top mount it.

@psychotiller I’m assuming they will be over 1/4” lower than the basic caliber 2 trucks as well (I believe TB 218 are clones of those essentially could be wrong) ???

That’s correct.

@psychotiller if both the TB and RKP are top mounted I think I’ll have to use 1/2 inch riser for TB and 3/4 for RKP.

I’m assuming there is a point where huge riser takes enough away from stability where the TB might actually be better for stability at speed… any idea if this might pose an issue for this specific instance?

Yeah, I would’nt say that…The TB trucks are way wide for the size of that sloppy little bushing cup. They are so squshy/sloppy I had to dewedge them on a build to make them stable and that was drop mounted!

Personally, that was the last build I would use them on.

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Come to the darkside with @SORRENTINO and I on SurfRodz RKP’s

Edit: and the @psychotiller :wink:

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Don’t forget the Psychotiller!!!


Below are two pics of my evo deck. The top pic shows the board with TB 218mm trucks. Clearance underneath is around 10cm (4inches) which is more than adequate if your using large wheels (at least 97mm)

The second pic shows the board with Evolve sidewinders which give you more clearance. Around 13cm (5inches) clearance in the middle. Mounted underneath is a 3cm high enclosure angled at the ends. Never had any problems with clearance with any of these trucks. Both used 1/2 inch risers only.

Pic 1

Pic 2


You don’t happen to have an adjustable RKP baseplate that doesn’t look terrible do ya haha?

Negative ghost rider


evolve trucks on drop through deck on 107’s


TB 218mm trucks on 1/4" rubber riser on evo deck with 6" (150mm’s)