"uk esk8" facebook group - who has access?

I’m looking to reach Ayaj Nagra, i mean to post there link to our unfortunate GB to let other people know what happened. Here is the link https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/europe-gb-closed/13419

I don’t have access there, need someone from UK.


What do you mean? Can you not join the group?

No, I can not. I found this group, clicked “join” but didn’t get access. And now I think group is hidden as well…

Hm Not sure, I think you do have to be approved by someone. What happened on that thread anyway?

Long story short: as for me I didnt receive one set of wheels (worth 30e) but there are more people who lost much more…

Im not from UK so I guess I wont be invited. Im looking for someone from UK who is already a member of this group

Ah right, so you just want me to post saying that people didnt receive their stuff?

Not particularly You, but anyone who can and want to warn other members. I dont want to say anything specific ,I think link to this GB will speak for it self… It always good to know what happened so look at last couple hundred posts…

NOt had any requests through. But someone els said they couldn’t join. Try joining again and will see if anything comes through.