Used my e-board to escape while being assaulted, TSG Pass saved my head from a few punches too, I owe my safety to a few people on here

For dogs a taser works better than a knife, 99% of the time they get scared by the sound alone. And if they actually bite you then tasing it to let go would work better then stabbing the animal… lol

lol, true… actually had a run in with a stray dog in Iraq, and lets say my knife and I did very well. I am a surgeon with my knife :wink:

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I definitely understand. I have been attacked by a pitbull mix 8 years ago. Only GSD’s I am worried about are military/K9 dogs.

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Pepper spraying some people on some drugs simply makes them even more irrational and enraged than they already were. In some jurisdictions, just carrying pepper spray is a felony.

Near a gym…'Roid rage?

That’s actually a good idea. Might not even need to design an entire holster…just a semi-rigid shield that reliably connects to an existing holster. Perhaps out of Kydex or similar. Quite a few DIY holster vids on YouTube that use Kydex…at least until YouTube puts its anti-gun “everything” policy into effect that will ban any gun-related videos including DIY accessories, demos, testing, safety vids, etc.

If you’re in a place where a esk8 is considered a motorized vehicle, then police could cite you for the camera attached to a helmet even in places where a helmet isn’t required by law for riding. Federal (I think) law prohibits certain helmet modifications. It’s a Department of Transportation safety compliance thing. There are additional restrictions on how far off the surface of the helmet anything can extend. That may be a state issue. For example wearing something that extends more than 1/2 inch (value may vary) is illegal in some places and can get you fined.

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If you’re talking about a point-contact Taser, then the “spark” would probably disrupt all communications between your remote and the board’s receiver(s). It would instantly stop some boards. You wouldn’t want to use it while moving.

its because of attacks like this why i ALWAYS have my bowie knife and my pocket knife on me at all times… the bowie is more of a deterrant… because i mean, who honestly wants to fuck with a guy with a mini sword on his leg… but yea, until im 30 and can legally have my LTC back i cant carry my handgun any more :confused:

Depends where you live

most of these electronics have a decent shielding and shouldnt be phased by a small taser. If it was a big emp then u would have to worry, or if u touch the board circuit with the sparks, then yea u have an issue

I think some testing wouild be needed to determine for sure. I know I’ve had two battery operated devices (phone and bluetooth speaker, both with internal antenna) lose pairing due to a static electricity discharge in the same room. Those were older bluetooth devices, hardware and firmware, however…about 2 years ago. It’s possible bluetooth upgrades have made comm a bit more robust. A Taser would also have a much longer duration and more time to disrupt the signals. Electric spark-gap devices are also used to produce broad-spectrum RF jamming.

spark gaps are used, yes, but usually in conjunction with large coils to produce a LARGE EMP. i will build a taser if i have the Caps to do so laying around and test

Unless you unknowingly cut him off at some point or slighted him in some way again unbeknown to yourself, it sounds like a mugging tactic, criminals often mix in confusion in order to get what they are after - your coool esk8

if you are confused then you are less likely to escape, that is part of the plan. He chose you as he wanted the board and felt he could physically take it off you.Getting out of there was the correct option.

Of course the keyboad ninja would say get a few meters away and use the control to the launch the board at him full throttle, then return the board after he’s knocked down(reverse FTW)…but you did the right thing bro, weapons are not an option in CA afaik, meh on the pepper spray/taser too much scope for misdelivery and extra beating.

You don’t get people doing this kind of thing in Texas for good reason.

Not true bro… this happened in Galveston, tx because 4 guys thought I was gay… 2 of them met the business end of my bowie knife, lost the blade for a year to the local police for stabbing them but got it back… shit like this happens a lot in Texas… I was hit with a bat btw and my mandible was broken on the left socket and just to the left of the middle of my mouth

received_10212840802358983received_10212840802398984 15300918279451089064082


That’s fucked up, nobody should have to deal with a stranger assauting them. Maybe my ideas on Texas are antiquated

Yea, I’m not even gay lol… but my insurance and the VA covered it all


I can’t carry, the state took my LTC away for 5 years because of a dwi

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Were you on your board when this assault took place? I hope you caught the those two good with the blade. I learned 20 years ago that no matter how much of a badass I thought I was, it’s a terrible idea to fight more than two guys at once.

…fuck dude, glad you are alive. i wish them a painful death. were they identified?