Using unknown motor controllers from aliexpress

Hi all, I recently saw a very cheap motor controller on Aliexpress and decided to order it just to see what it would be like. As expected, I’m having a few issues with it, and was wondering if anybody here has experience with these no-name unbranded ESCs found on Aliexpress (unsurprisingly, the Aliexpress sellers haven’t been able to help at all and haven’t responded to my questions). I have two main issues:

  1. the ESC is intended for a 6S pack, and I’m currently bench testing it with a 24V 2.5A PSU. When I power it on from the PSU, I always get a low battery warning (one out of four bars on the battery level gauge). Do people know how to configure such ESCs to avoid this error or is there some other workaround?

  2. I’m still able to run the motor despite the low battery warning, and the motor spins up fine. However, when I pull the throttle back to enable braking, the motor will slow down and come to a stop, but it no longer spins up and the ESC just ignores throttle-up commands. After that, even though the motor won’t spin up upon pushing the throttle potentiometer to the max, I can still pull the throttle low and the motor will continue braking (which I saw because the motor required more force to turn).

Has anyone here experienced similar issues with their ESCs? If so, were you able to fix them?

Finally, does anyone know how the motor controller I linked above compares to the “generic eBay ESC” that everyone uses? (e.g. this one)

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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What motor are you using

I’m using a 5065 motor, specifically this one. It doesn’t look like it should be causing any problems with the ESC, does it?

Yea. Your esc is for hub motors not outrunners…

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Ah, is what I described above a common issue when you try using an outrunner with a hub motor ESC? I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case because the description on the Aliexpress page says the controller is compatible with both hub motors and belt drive outrunners/airplane motors.


buy a focing vesc is the answer


If there’s a button in the middle of that esc I think you can reconfigure it for outrunners. I have a single drive esc 24/36v and have used both hub and outrunners with it. And for some reason I believe I have pushed that button :joy: but I don’t use those ESC’s for anything but making moving targets.

But like my non associated associate @Fosterqc said get a vesc.

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Thanks for the advice – I’ll see if I can try reconfiguring the ESC, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll go with a VESC.


No problem. Just make sure you tag @Fosterqc in every post you make. It’s like a bat signal but more reliable


Well, 28$ for remote with esc included, and a button, and battery indicator… no wonder why you wanted to play with it)


Whatchu talkin bout Willis?


good luck with the build!

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Thanks!! I ended up just going with a torque esc brand vesc as the motor controller, hopefully this works out :stuck_out_tongue:


24 volts does not seem like alot when others have 60v on them… I wonder will it break faster?