Vesc beeping help

Hey guys. today during my ride i had a problem. I hit some water on the ground and got to my battery indicator and kinda shorted out… the main problem is that my vesc wouldnt start after that. I thought i fried my vesc… so i walked thinking about life. When i connected the power and turned on the board the vesc would light blue then right before the red light start blinking it was loosing power…

After like 15 mins i decided to test again . AND it worked… i thought maybe some water was still near the pins or something idk … Anyway after a few meters my motor break hard… almost throwing me off the board and the vesc/motor started beeping (now sure what was it because i got too scared and unplugged the power). from what i saw the red led was blinking really fast and beep beep beep …

Any idea why that beeping sound ? Or what it ment ? I would like to solve if i can anything before going again 40km/h in traffic …

Thank you.

Anyone any idea? (i will make everything water puff asap) but should i worry ?

@Jinra ?