I recently killed my MKSESC mini v6.7 because apparently running 48A on a product rated for 50A is too much to ask. I know this company is rubbish and they make scammy products but I cannot afford any other brands but im not sure if people have had much experience with the other version they have which is the MKSESC 75100 which is a vesc 75 clone, this is rated for 100A continuous current. I will only probably use 50A at 10s but im afraid ill kill that vesc 6 again, or i could turn the amperage way down but that’s a bit boring. They are both approximately the same price on aliexpress. $65
I only know of their 75200 model and the person who has fixed their firmware error. No other information about the 75100 unfortunately.
how is the 75200? any good?