Voltage drain when switching on Electronics

Hi guys,

I’ve just gone to plug all my electronics together ready to fit onto my board and when I turn it on everything lights up and then fades away in a couple of seconds. The voltage also goes up to normal voltage and drops to about 5v in a couple of seconds

Im not sure what the problem could be as it worked when I previously tested it. Nothing smells burnt so not sure what the issue is.

I really appreciate any help. Thanks


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We need a bit more information about your setup. Vesc, battery, antispark and so on.


I am using a 10s3p pack with 30q batteries and a 10s bestech bms with an led e switch. With a voltmeter, the voltage will go to 36 volts and then drop back down. And the led on the switch fades off.

I am using the eswitch on a Bestech 10s bms

Also, when I plug it into charge the voltmeter goes up 1 percent about every 10 seconds. And it’s only a 2A charger

test the voltage before the BMS when this happens – if the volts before BMS don’t drop – the BMS must be defective. if the volts before BMS still drop, then you must have bad cells.


I have just checked and one of the cells was at 3.0v. I have put it on charge to hopefully balance them, and then the BMS will stay on. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

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that would do it! good luck

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Thank you. I just took it off charge and it stayed on so all fixed :smile:

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@mmaner @mmaner @mmaner

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