WANTED - Battery Spot Welder or welding service (UK)

So I finally got to open the box (crazy busy at work) and it was supplied with welding tips, wire and a few other small bits.

All looks good and I can order the other parts this week. Wooooo

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@EssEnn hey is there a documented version somewhere on the forum whenever you succeeded or not with the spot welder? :smiley:

If I do find it Might insert it back here and wont disturb you ha

I have been so busy with work recently I have not had much of a chance to complete it. I actually just need to get hold of a car battery (rip it out my my car lol) and maybe tomorrow if i’m not at work again…

I got my kit form here - http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Arduino-Battery-Spot-Welder/