Wearable tech - real time speed

Is anyone using wearable tech - smart watches etc - to display real time speed, gps tracking, battery data etc. I’m using ackmaniac firmware and app, also tracking ride speed and data with the snoway app. Would LOVE to have the ackmaniac app on android wear - would donate again ! are there any android watches, fitness trackers that display real time speed?

You see notification on Android Wear which shows speed and voltage. Full Android Wear support would deff be sweet though.

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with the ackmaniac firmware? that’ll do !

I use ackmaniac firmware…but I use a metre.at Bluetooth module…the app has wear and Iwatch support.


I’m fine with paying for software but not having to buy bt module specifically for it. I only trust the hw I source.

Is the connection directly between the watch and the bluetooth module or does the phone connect to the module and the watch gets the info from the phone?

From phone to Apple Watch on metr app. Works awesome though

What about these?


Pretty cool :dark_sunglasses:

if you have an android try the Voice Speedometer App. plug in your earbuds and have the app tell you how fast youre going. it can save min and max speed. you can set speed limit so you get notified when you hit it. it saves a map of your route aaaand it even draws how fast or slow you went on the map. you can save the session too…

easy and uncomplicated and much safer than looking at a tiny display when going fast.

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