What are some good place to charge up on the go?

Just wondering who knows the low down on where to plug in while cruising different cities

Starbucks lol

Or really any coffee shop where you can go in and chill for a while

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Here in Portland we charge at restaurants, bars, coffee shops, food truck islands, ect…


Any places with a plug maybe


Well here in Socal most places except maybe McDonald’s as far as I can find has no plugs for customers so thought maybe there is some specific business you guys know of.

Public and University Libraries, bookstores. Pretty much anywhere you can go sit down with a notebook and it be normal.

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I didn’t think about the library and I guess even those internet cafes huh. Great thanks bro now I got a good plan to go a long a distance. I have 3 swapping batteries so maybe 30 miles and with a one charge or two I can ride all day. Nice :ok_hand:


Is this build in the making or is it already done? Pictures?

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?? What build. My AWD?

Your Mom’s house!


My AWD is just two Revels slapped together not much of a build but a very very nice kit for the priceIMG_20190119_202435062

Nah she ain’t got no outside plugs and I don’t have a key hahaha. Plus I’m trying to go from San Bernardino CA to Huntington Beach CA.

My build should be done around March or April RT now it’s at the blue printer’s crib

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whole foods is good if your by yourself, but if you go with a ton of people they cut the power :disappointed_relieved:

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