What Does Your User Name Mean?

Cool story bro


@janpom just had 7 heart attacks, RIP.


i actually spotted that in your name :slight_smile:

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Another one that grew over the years XD started of with just reversing my name when I was like 8, as such: Jakob -> Bokaj. After a while I got annoyed by the sound of it and as such I wanted to change it but a lot of people knew me by that name, so little change it was XD


I’ll think about it…



D=Dash the rest I just thought sounded weird/cool together


Brenternet; Ancient west country dialect missive; A huge knob jockey


don’t tell him

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I do ride horses yes.

hohoahhaa I implied that my penis is huge because it is. If I took it out here the forum would instantly get a dark theme and the chat function would start working immediately to give you an opportunity to discuss the magnitude of the event.

It’s actually quite average :unamused:


Who fucking grassed me?

Mine is pretty easy my name is Brian and I’m a man and I graduated high school in 05 and have used it on other forums.

About 10 years ago I used to play GTA 4 (yes 4) online on the good old xbox 360. I was one of those kids who was running a modded copy so I was trolling around and I ran into @ThermalM16. He decided to freeze the lobby and the way mods worked you couldn’t freeze out another player with mods if you both had them configured the same. We started trash talking and became friends. I eventually got my then account banned from xbox live for playing gta5 2 weeks before release. I decided at that point I was gonna troll Kevin and make my new tag Thermal something or another. I went with ThermalChild because child was one of our insult/greeting/ I don’t respect you enough to call you by your name names. This tag has stuck with me for about 6 or 7 years now.


I dunno… it might or might not have anything to do with some sort of franchise made by… cold storm entertainment? Yeah. That’s the one.

Spoilers: I was born in '92 :open_mouth:

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Black Dad, Asian Mom… Boom, Bang, Pow…that creation lead to my awesome mixed self. Hence the name created as my first gamer tag when I played SOCOM on PS2.


Been using this online forever.Big football fan ( American ) and a picksix is what they call an interception returned for a touchdown. 24 for number of my favorite player and my birthday as well. Funny story, I first created the username for PlayStation network like 18 years ago. It was when it first stated so I had my free range of available names. Flash forward to a few years ago and my son needed a game account. The only names you ca get are like difjfndki12344$&&@@@djdfj. Needless to say he uses mine now, and his friends are like how the hell did you get such an simple name !!!

Nooooo! Now i have the idea to mount a spoiler onto my board… i guess it would look… …funny

I’m just nt shure in which way

or :rofl:

my name: I never know what name i should take and i’m always getting bored of my old ones. So i though it’s a eSk8 forum and i’m only/mostly interested in direct drives + my name starts with C, you might find it somewhere


Delectable treats.




–> in a bar in Taipei having drinks with my buddies…talking about cruising along the riverside along the Danshui river.

–> neighbour overheard our conversation and said… “ahhh yeah…those riverside riders…you never hear em coming and when they zap passed you, you feel like going backwards…”


Just saw this thread… no one calls me Bobby, my name is the Robert in Spanish so Bobby seemed to fit fine. Im so stoked at psychotillers orgin for his usernme. Ive been singing the song since i first saw his name. “Psychotiller, qu’est-ce que c’est, fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa”

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The street bike variant TL1000 (not the R) was dubbed the widow maker by the bike press.

Mrs Tiller probably not too happy