What protective gear do you use excluding the helmet?

Then you know what you need to do. The longer you wait, the more you pollute our air.

It’s the difference between “tools” and “toys” really

Wow…a little self-righteous much?

I’m noticing a pattern here…and I find it a little upsetting. At mentions of people calling this a hobby, you for some reason take it as a personal slight and take it upon yourself to jump down their throats. For some, this is both a toy and a tool. Some, a toy. And others, just like yourself, a tool. But remember, in the end everyone should be considerate and respectful of each others’ choices. Attacking others because their opinions and views don’t match yours isn’t right.

And I’m going to not get too deep into environmental impacts…I could go on forever about that. Just two words: moderation and consumption.


shoulders are the prot I wear the least, I may use this a little more I only wear it when i know I’m going to be fast

would this have helped your shoulder issue?

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Possibly. As impact was at the Teres and upper Lat.


48 hours later, today, I can lift and move my arm in all directions now that some swelling in the subdeltoid bursa has gone down, while still extremely sore,I should be fine in a week or so.

The Teres and upper Lat seem to be exposed in most upper body protective gear. … so kinda a big gaping hole to be smacked if you get high sided on a shoulder.


I’ve noticed that. Maybe because it may interfere with mobility if companies put armor there? I’m assuming tech hasn’t quit gotten there yet.

So far, I’ve noticed the Fox Titan Sport jacket and the Knox Meta-Sys back protector seems to cover a little more of the scapula area than most. Could give those a look if you want.

I would assume it’s because yes it’s for mobility as most are designed for bikes while you hold handle bars so you can turn left and right.

Not so much for skating. My hands are behind my back and hardly ever move when I skate… I could see a skate version with extra padding over the Teres and upper Lat.

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Anyone ever use bern slide gloves?

I use these elbow guards as well as knee/shin guards. Doesn’t feel hot at all, and does not limit body movement much. I’d recommend this, because its comfortable, and looks like armor! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06W2G5VNB/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0178ID878/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


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…time to change the profile image :point_down:


@pixelsilva but why :wink:




Just saying. Time for a new Pass…

…I can help you out taking that weight from your shoulders for $100 bucks



I wish the cooler looking full face helmets weren’t so expensive

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looking for a nice half face helmet … any ideas

I just bought the bell custom 500 today. Super simple and fits well. Plus it has snaps to add accessories

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niceee like the kinda cafe racerish look to em im really lookin for a helmet thats low profile like not huge on the head not my style like thinkin sandbox with the peak or the burn watts or predator fr7

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Pants, jacket, knee pads, elbow pads, and slide gloves w/ wrist support

I need recommendations on shoulder protection. Been shopping around but I couldn’t decide on what to get.

So yesterday, went for a ride with full gear,

Well, not really full gear because I don’t have body armor yet.

Anyway, so I crashed, loose gravel on the road. Big cut on my thumb because I decided to use the half finger gloves instead of the full ones. Not a scratch on the pass or lower body, a little scratch on elbow pads, wrist guards took a beating. Right shoulder took the impact, a little road rash and broke my clavicle. So, now, it’s a little late for the shoulder protection but I wouldn’t be riding again without it.

I picked this up last week for riding on my commute. It’s light yet durable and comes with elbow, shoulder and back armor. Add some knee pads, slide gloves and TSG pass helmet and I feel well covered.

https://www.fuelpowersportsparts.com/shopping/item/7331532?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx_6s6Zfq2gIVF8JkCh14pAAIEAkYBCABEgKlGvD_BwE https://www.fuelpowersportsparts.com/productimages/72664-SPEED-AND-STRENGTH-2016-BACK-IN-BLACK-MOTORCYCLE-TEXTILE-JACKET.png