Would Trampa HS11 deck with ultimate trucks on with 100mm wheels touch the ground on extreme leans?

I’m trying to decide whether I should buy a HS11 a Holly Pro 35 or a Street Carver Deck, I already had a Street Carver deck and liked it until it was lit.

I like the wide track of the ultimate 16" trucks but I’m not sure if they will hit the ground with 100mm wheels such as the MBS or even the ABEC Evolve 107mm wheels.

The Holly Pro 35 looks nice as well but I guess it would be PIA to work a flexible enclosure on it, however there are ways around it.

I’d like to switch to 8" Primo Alpha tyres once in a while so Holly Pro 35’ might be a good option.

What is people building these days?

I have a holypro, HS11 and a full MTB deck. The truck mounting holes are all in different positions, with the HS11 deck sitting in between the very low full mountain board deck and the relatively high holypro. You could always move the holes of the HS11 down to raise the clearance if it did scrape.

So why are you looking for something other than Street Carver? Find something you didn’t like about it?

If you do the drilling yourself, you can determine the ideal truck position. The HP and HS11 have a tip that follows the shape of the baseplate and moving the truck can look a bit funny. Also consider that the wider MTB trucks don’t have an inner position for the springs.


I love the design of the holy pro and hs11 more than the street carver, there is something about the sexy slimmed down weist that makes me want it, I liked the stance/width of the street carver deck I had before with Mini Vertigo Trucks but only on street wheels, on AT wheels it looked too narrow and weird.

So was thinking about mounting a street carver deck with ultimate trucks but it also looks weird, it’ll be a short board with oversized wide trucks and wheels.

I’m leaning for the HS11 deck with ultimate trucks but with 100mm or 107mm wheels, I need to see if it’d work and if anyone has done it before.

I have the ultimates, HS11, 100mm amd 107’s. I can mock it up and post a pic if youd like see what it would look like.

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If you do it I’ll thank you forever, I wanted to place the order tonight but I better wait to see what is is like. :snowboarder:

Ohh, I wouldnt be able to do it until the end of next week when I get back from Hawaii. Not sure if you wanna wait that long, but if so Ill do it no prob.

I already made up my mind, I’m going with the HS11 with ultimate trucks, I’ll take my chances and will drill new hole if I have clearance issues. However seeing pictures of this setup when you put them together won’t hurt

@trampa do you have pictures of the HS11, ultimate trucks and 97, 100 ot 107mm wheels, did you have any clearance issues?


Sound like a good plan.

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Shit! Trampa is out of ultimate hangers so I couldn’t place the order. I’m not sure when will they have it back on stock.

Maybe this was a good thing, maybe the Hs11 deck is not the best option to use Street wheels, i still haven’t seen anyone on EMTB deck, ultimate trucks and street wheels

If you send me a mail ([email protected]), I’ll give you some further details about your options.
