Xtla | first built

@XTLA Damm girl, That enclosure looks sick! Whats are your prints settings tho? There doesn seems to have any string going on! Or did you file them down?

Most maker wpaces have them. Also a lot of large plumbing/HVAC shops use them. Some are open to cutting g for a fee.

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Thanks bro , I hit a couple shops up hopefully they entertain my request

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Hi xantalia, I’m from indonesia too, that’s an amazing for the first built, you should try vesc and belt drive, the brakes much softer

Hi tama, sure thats my plan for my next build :yum:. Indonesia nya dimana? Jakarta?

Currently I live in Papua, tp sering ke jakarta koq Kak dinn.,

:wave::sweat_smile: halo papua

How’s the stickies holding up?

…i keep’em for my next build :grin:, Change it to flywheels clone (since only 2 needed at the front with hubs)

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gorgeous build. im really impressed by the finish of your 3d enclosure… damn that was a hell lot of sanding i guess.

Not really, i use putty spray multiple layer to cover the texture, sand them n spray :ok_hand: (easy), don’t sand the fillament.

ahh okay, that makes it quite easy then :clap::+1::+1:

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Yeah…the board looks like right from the store. Beautiful work! Sorry i recognized you are female later on, so this is the cause for editing my post :grinning:

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Haha no problem, thank you :blush:

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Btw…Like your vids and the nice sounds on your instagram account.


Some of it using gopro quick theme songs :grin:


Yeah really nice…like the snowboard vids as well. Seems like you re going all around board sports:heart: