30q's on sale now!

Honestly, if it’s even a concern why not go with a more well known source? You guys have loads of options over there. Speak to Mike, Tim, Brian and the rest and see where they are sourcing from?

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If you are not in a hurry and can wait a month I think NKON will be the best price, specially if you are in the US where others have reported not paying import taxes/duties:


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I wouldn’t post this invoice in a public forum just to prove it to @brenternet This is a “favor” they do and we risk losing it by posting it

Looks like you had store credit friend.

Also, it’s not rocket science.


@gmurad @brenternet ya you are right - risking it to save $20 usd makes no sense.

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No, i used my 2€ of store credits on my last purchase. This one was 100% my money.

I Removed it :slight_smile: