AA *To be Renamed* Board Elite

Actually currently we use the bustin Boombox, or the maestro 6. They are very very nice decks.

You might want to rework the product page.

There is options for 10s3p, 10s4p, 12s3p. It just says it goes up to 22+ miles and there are specific specs for the 10s4p and 12s3p… But what if somebody is going for the base model ? No specs for 10s3p.

Also you might show what remote is used. I believe that most people who have nothing to do with DIY building will want to know how to navigate that thing…

Haha, it’s all torque. You mind if I use that as a slogan? :wink: Yes I’m going to work on the website some more, but right now my website looks like it got hit by the incredible hulk. :slight_smile:

@rwxr Hey thank you. I know when I created the post I looked like a idiot, but I’m dedicated to making myself better with this, and I’m grateful for the help.

@Vincecoleman thank you I’ll change your to you’re :slight_smile:

Your totally right. I skipped over the basic model. I’ll change add that to my list. That was a good catch. If any one is curious we use the mini remote since no one has reported failures compared to the Nano.

no doubt. Best of luck to you.

My pc is struggling to play the the video on your front page. stuttering quite alot. Suggest use a lower resolution as we are not all using the latest tech. As said above many of the pics on the website are under exposed.

Good luck with your venture.

Hey bro, right there with you on low spec pc! Currently rocking that i3 Wooo! Mainly beacuse my water cooling gave out. Mind PM your pc specs to foward it to WIX (domain provider)? Also I will be looking for some who actualy knows how to take pictures compared to myself, sorry it’s been a while since I shot on Manual.

How did you come till you decided to get a funding for your company? Seems interesting that you have so much enthusiasm, which is a good thing in this kind of business, I think :wink:

There’s a saying…

“If your the smartest guy in the room, your in the wrong room”.

Has always served me well, so keep it up. A little advice…

  1. Don’t oner promise, only sell what you CAN deliver.
  2. Test, test & test again before you offer something for sale.

Failing in either will ruin your reputation and reputation is more difficult earn at a young age.

Good luck, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.


Maybe instead of Team you can use the language, partner or partnered. Maybe say something like, “aatorquesystems is partnered with the best local vendors in the Santa Rosa area”. Just a thought.